Chapter 2

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Caleb's POV:

My little sister was telling me about this nerd-looking guy. He was walking nervously in the café trying to look for somewhere to sit. Apparently he was bullied by these dudes and was now searching for somewhere else. He didn't notice a puddle of water he's walking towards to, that was recently spilt.

So he slipped and the food he was holding went flying towards Victoria, The mean girl that Katja kept telling me about, Victoria was coincidentally in the cafe too, minding her own business but Katja otherwise. She said to me that Victoria was following her because she was planning to embarrass her and somehow damage her reputation.

The food flew towards her and ruined her expensive purple blouse shirt that she was bragging to her friends about.


I chuckled at my little sister as she exaggerates her story.

She was so cute. Her face doesn't seem to age, she still looks like the little girl who was my partner in crime when I was younger.

When she was finally done laughing at how Victoria cried her eyes out because of how her blouse was ruined, she grabbed the remote from the coffee table and opened the tv. She started flipping through the channels while having this bored look on her face.

I looked at the kid that she introduced me to as her boyfriend. He had a gloomy expression on his face and was pouting very cutely, looking at my sister.

He looked like he wanted to ask her something but couldn't.

When he saw me looking at him, his eyes suddenly widen and quickly looked down at his lap.

I saw his lips wobble slightly. he tried biting them to hide it.

I looked at him, a bit weirded out.

What a weird kid..

I turned to my sister. "Hey Katja, aren't you suppose to be doing something with your boyfriend?"

She shifted a little and looked at her boyfriend, who had his head lowered while fiddling with his hands.

She lazily puts her attention back to the tv and said "He'll be fine."

She was watching a cliché drama that she seems to be into and completely ignored her boyfriend's existence.

I didn't question her any further and left her be with her actions.

I know my sister is being a bitch right now but that's just how she is, and I can't do nothing about it,

My sister isn't exactly like other girls, she has her own traits, and let me tell you, they aren't exactly good ones,

My sister was known to be a very cute and pretty girl who was sweet and innocent that everybody wants.

she was known to be really popular among the boys and girls in our neighborhood.

The only thing that other people don't know is that she likes to play around with people's feelings.

She likes to act like she really likes somebody and see that they really are affected by her. but when she gets bored with them she just dumps them.

She seems to like seeing them heart broken and ruined, and that's why she enjoys doing it over and over again.

That's my sister, Great gal, eh?


My sister had never been in love. I just know because she tells me everything. We're practically best friends, I guess.

When the guy on the tv was saying sweet things to the leading lady, Katja squealed.

A sigh escaped through my lips as I looked away from the tv.

I don't really like dramas, they're mostly clichés and they are very cringey to me. I don't get why girls like them, honestly.

I refuse to see anymore disgustingly sweet moments of the main couple. No thank you.

As I looked away to the tv, I took a glance at the kid,

I see him hugging his backpack, still pouting and staring at nothing in particular.

I kinda feel sorry for the kid. He was pretty cute. My sister finally got a cute one instead of those thirsty fuck boys.

I looked away from him.

Whatever, I'm sure he's fine.

When I finally decided to look away from him, I took my phone out of my pocket and just let myself be busy with it instead.

I started browsing through social media, where my friends posts pictures with their Littles.

I'm familiar with the cgl community since some of my friends are into it.

They always keep on bragging about how cute their Littles are and how lucky they are to have them. They also kept suggesting me to get my own.

Like come on, they act like getting a Little is like getting a dog. It's not that easy, bud.

I didn't really bother in thinking much about it since I was way too preoccupied on my basketball games and practices to even have a relationship with anybody.

I'm actually gay, everyone thinks I'm straight because I 'mess around' with girls, apparently.

I never had a relationship with the girls I 'messed around' with though.


A whimper suddenly can be heard from my right.

I looked to where the sound was coming from and saw the kid standing up, quickly excusing himself and went to the direction of the bathroom.

Huh? What was wrong with that kid? He just suddenly left..

I tried shrugging it off and not get my curiosity get the best of me.




I suddenly felt thirsty.

"I'll just go get me a drink" I said, standing up.

Katja hummed, silently saying "go ahead"

I went straight to the kitchen, getting me two coca coal cans. One for me, and one for Katja.

As I was about to walk out of the kitchen, I heard the same whimpers as before, and it sounded like.. crying? It was all coming from the bathroom, that was like right next to the kitchen.

I don't know what was up with that kid and I don't even know why I care.

My curiosity got the best of me, I put the sodas down on the counter and slowly approached the bathroom.

When I was finally in front of the door of the bathroom, I saw that the door was slightly agape.

It seems to be open,

If I can just see what he's up to-


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