Chapter 10

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Caleb's POV

I walked back outside, the sun evident in my view.

I walked back to where Javi was.

He was still sat on the chair where I instructed him to stay and wait for me.

He was playing with his fingers, distracted.

I saw a band-aid on his hand.

I examined it.

I saw his still red bruise since the band aid wasn't really covering all of it.

It looks like it was burnt. How did he burnt his hand? It still looks fresh and new.

I'll just ask him about it later.

I cleared my throat to get his attention.

He shot up and looked at me with doe eyes.

I think he's in a really young headspace right now.

"Here you go, buddy."

I hand him the cup of hot chocolate.

He looked at it, with a confuse look and looked up at me again.

"It's hot chocolate."

He gasped cutely and giggled. "Hot coco!"

I chuckled.

He doesn't seem to hide himself being little around me anymore. Maybe his big side has been completely gone for now.

"For Javie?" He said, looking at me with puppy eyes.

How can someone say no to those puppy eyes?

I smiled at him.

"Yes. Now hold it carefully, okay? We don't want prince to get his hands burnt now do we?"

He nodded and grabbed the hot coco carefully, as I instructed.

"Okay hun, Can you hold it with one hand for me?

He hummed, looking at the hot coco for few seconds and holding it with one hand.

When he finally found a comfortable place he can hold the hot cup with one hand without spilling it, he smiled victoriously.

How cute.

He looked back at me,

"Yes! Javi can hold cup wit one hand."

"Mm Good job." I praised.

He had a tinge of pink in his cheeks as he grinned at me.

"I'll take you home now okay?"

He nodded and stood up, cup in his hand.


"I need you to hold my hand, okay? We are going to my car and it's quite far and I don't want to accidentally lose you. You don't want to get lost do you hmm?"

He dramatically gasped.

"No no javi don' wan to get lost."

He then held my free hand and said, "Lead da way, my knwight en shining armow!"

I chuckle at his cuteness and started to walk towards the parking lot, holding his free hand.

"How am I your knight in shining armor?"

"Cause' chu save me, da pwince en' chu also gave me woyal seat in basketboll game." He said as he giggled.


He started to skip a long the path we're walking on, humming a song that I don't know of.

He's skipping way too fast. It's a cute gesture but it's a bit dangerous. He might trip and spill his hot drink.

"Prince, please slow down. You might trip and spill your hot coco." I warned.

He looked at me with an innocent look on his face.

He seems to like the nickname Prince because his ears turned red.

I smiled mentally at the thought and decided on using that nickname more often.

He stoped skipping and said obediently "Okay."

He looked at me with puppy eyes.

"Can I dwink hot coco now?"

How can I resist that cute face?

"Of course you can, prince. Be careful, It's probably still hot."

He opened the lid and excitedly took a quick sip.

His happy expression turned into a face full of regret.

"Owie!" He said, almost dropping the hot coco.

I immediately stopped walking and turned to him. "Are you okay?" I asked worriedly.

I saw tears in his eyes.

I started to panic but I quickly thought of an idea for him to calm down.

"No no, no crying. You're a brave prince, right? Brave princes don't cry."

That seemed to work because he evened his crying.


He sniffed and wiped the tears on his eyes.

"Brave princes don't cry..." He said more clearly than earlier.

He starts to calm down and we start to walk again.

"Be careful next time, okay?"

I said, looking at him with concern.

"Okay.." He replied.

*Insert more walking*


When we finally made it at the parking lot, I lead him to my car.

I let him sit at the backseat and made sure he had his belt on then went to the drivers seat.

I started the car and asked Javi where his house was.

He mumbled the street but I still heard it so I started to go towards that direction.

We live in the same street, so that's why he just ran off before when I saw him in our bathroom and didn't seem to need to take a ride to get home.

I drank my coffee while driving, feeling the burning sensation inside my throat.

I look at the rear view mirror to see what Javi was doing.

He was slowly talking sips of his hot coco trying not to burn his tongue again.

It was a really adorable sight.


When I finished my cup of coffee, I threw it at the pile of garbage on the side of the road that we passed by.

I then went back to focusing on driving so I don't accidentally kill us.

I keep driving and thought,

What should I do when I finally bring him home?

He really seems to need a caregiver to take care of him. But I think Katja wouldn't be able to do that.

What if...

What if I ask him if I can be his caregiver? At least temporarily until he finds a permanent one.


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