Chapter 4

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Javi's POV

I ran home as fast as I could.

Why does he have to see me like that of all people? God, that was so embarrassing,

When I finally saw my house, I tried to take my keys out of my pocket.

I stopped in front of my door, almost tripping. I then opened it and went in, slamming the door behind me as I ran to my room.

And before I knew it, I already flung my bag across the room, completely forgetting that Mr. Cuddles was in there.

I jumped face first on my bed, clutching at the soft fabric of my blanket.

What now, What now, What now?? He probably told her already and she'll think that I was keeping secrets from her!

I bury my face into my pillow as I screamed in frustration, and sometimes punching everything that was near me.

My body soon calmed down as I sighed.

That was a lot to let out-

Then suddenly an image of Mr. Cuddles being flung across the room appeared in my head.

Oh I forgot.. he was actually in the bag that I just threw aggressively earlier.

A gasp came out of my mouth as I get up to go get Mr. Cuddles.

I walked towards the bag and picked it up from the ground before going back to my bed.

When I finally arrived there, I took a sit on the soft surface of it as I opened my bag to see Mr Cuddles. I smiled apologetically at him and took him out of the bag.

I decided to just not think about my worries for now, and just be in Little Space to help me ease my stress.

I give Mr. Cuddles a smile before hugging him tightly, now slipping into Little Space.

A brilliant idea came into mind as I thought about how I can make it up to Mr. Cuddles.

I then started giggling, voice got higher than my normal one, indicating Little me has finally entered the chat.

"lalalalala~" I sang and danced with him in my arms, trying to make it up to him from leaving him in that bag and throwing it across the room.

I kept giggling, enjoying my time alone while in Little Space.

After that little dance I had with Mr. Cuddles, I sat him down on the bed then went to my closet to change to more comfortable clothes.

I started putting on one of my favorite hoodies, which was the baby blue one that had a little cat on the middle and some comfortable shorts.

I then looked at the mirror and imagined I was a cat.

A cute giggle couldn't help but escape out of my mouth as I pretended I had cat ears and a cat tail.

I let out a soft little 'rawr' and made claw hands, crunching my face.

I'm a kitty that may seem to be extremely cute but I can also be dangerous like a tiger. rawr!


I stopped looking at the mirror and came back to my bag to get my blue paci.

My hands has been searching for awhile now inside the bag, but I still couldn't feel my it.

I frowned.

Huh? Where was it?

I was getting confused and wondered if I left it somewhere.

I then realized that I may have left it at Katja's.

My eyes widen in realization.

Oh nooo, that was my one and only paci! I won't get to sleep tonight with comfort without sucking it.

A pout slowly formed on my lips as I thought of just going back there to get it back and leave immediately after.

But I don't want to see that meanie anymore! He already saw me like this and I really don't want him judging me more and saying mean things to me like others do.

But I really wanted my paci back...

I sat back on my bed and hugged Mr Cuddles as I started to cry.

I want my paci.. and I want a caregiver...

I never felt this desperate to have a caregiver before, Usually I'm alright with just me knowing and also alright with not having a caregiver.. but now I can't seem to bare being alone anymore and wanted someone to take care of me..

I desperately want Katja to be my caregiver already so I wouldn't have to hide myself in being in little space in front of her anymore..

Sorry Mr Cuddles if you're not enough to make me feel less lonely...

I lay on my bed, still hugging Mr Cuddles.

My lips waver as more tears started rolling down my cheeks.

I just wanted someone to take care of me like how the other Littles that I met online get cared for by their caregivers..

I met those Littles online and became friends with them on a site called 'Little Connect', it's a site for Littles like me that wants to be friends with other Littles.

The Littles I met on that site were boys that already have caregivers. Their name's are Carson and Daniel, and They're really fun Littles.

They're gay and has their boyfriends as their caregivers. I don't mind because I'm bisexual.

They always tell me that they have the bestest daddies ever, they even gave me a lot of reasons in why so,

Like, How their daddies tell them they love them so much everyday,

How their daddies cook their favorite meals when they are feeling down or sad,

How their daddies takes really good care of them when they are in baby space,

How their daddies buy them new plushies and new pacis for being a good boy,

How their daddies gives them goodnight kisses,

And, of course,

How they make sure that they feel loved and cared for..




I want to have someone like that too..


I started to cry more of the thought and almost forgot about my paci being at Katja's house.

When I was getting tired, I closed my eyes and cried myself to sleep.



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