Chapter 22

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Caleb's POV

I yawned loudly as I groggily walk into the kitchen, still very tired.

I saw Katja already there with her pink PJs making some coffee.

She looks up at me. "You look like you slept well." She said as she continues to put more sugar in her coffee.

I yawn again. "I practiced for hours yesterday."

"Oh?" She raised an eyebrow.

"Coach forced me to, it's not that I mind though." I said as I approach her.

"Why? I thought he was always in a hurry to leave?"

"Well, he kinda threatened me," I said, scratching the back of my head.

"How?" She asked, a bit judgementally.

I ignored her question and asked, "Is this my cup?" I point at the other cup next to hers.

"Yeah, I actually made you some coffee, even though I thought you were gonna sleep the whole day." She said, pushing the cup to me.

"I didn't put any sugar into yours by the way." She said, putting a bit more sugar in hers.

I look at her cup. "Why are you putting a lot of sugar into yours? Y'know, The sugar you consume everyday will eventually give you diabetes." I exaggerated as I chuckle lowly.

She just glares at me, and stopped putting more sugar in her cup.

"Don't change the subject. What did he say?" She said as she drinks her sugar filled cup of coffee.

"Well.. I asked him to do me a huge favor and he said he isn't going to do it if I didn't do what he said, he was planning to used that on me to make me suffer by forcing me to play basketball for a few hours, he even brought someone to watch me then left almost immediately, only if he knew that I do that everyday anyways so it didn't bother me much, but it still tired me. " I said, remembering yesterday's events.

She raises an eyebrow at me. "What was this favor you say?"

I hesitated for a moment but decided to tell her anyway. "It was to reserve some good sits in our next basketball game." I said as I take a sip of the bitter coffee.

"For who though? Your lover?" She said, sipping her coffee, not looking at me.

I paused for a second.

"Uh, no, it's for you and your boyfriend." I finally said.

She looks at me, a bit puzzled. "What? Why do we have to go?" She said, clearly doesn't want to go.

I put down my cup. "Because I want you to see my game." I said simply.

She looked like she wasn't satisfied with what I said and tries to speak up. "But I always see you play basketball anyways, so what's the difference?" She tried to reason.

I was starting to get irritated but kept it cool. "Don't you want to see me beat some ass and win?" I tried to reason back.

She thought for a moment. "What if Javi doesn't want to go though?"

"I think he'll want to go." I said, taking another sip of coffee.

She looks at me weirdly. "Why do you think so? You don't even know him."

"He was the one who told me he wanted to see a basketball game."

She looks at me wide eyed. "You talked to him? When?"

"We happened to see eachother at the cafe yesterday and talked for awhile, y'know, to get to know eachother." I explained.

She looks at me warily. "What exactly are you planning? You're not usually nice to my boyfriends before."

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