Chapter 14

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Javi's POV

I move around, feeling uncomfortable in my sleep.

I slowly open my eyes to see myself on my bed, holding Mr Cuddles in my arms.

I was confused. How'd I get here..?

The last time I remembered that I was supposed to be talking to Caleb..

I sat up by the help of my elbows pushing me up and tried to remembered what exactly happened.

I think I was in little space then so I don't really remember much..

I usually forget about what I do in little space because little me takes over completely

I hit my head slightly, hoping I could at least remember a bit of the past events.

I sat there for at least 2 minutes straight. Waiting for something to pop up in my head.

Something eventually came up in my mind and I see a vision of mine that I was being carried upstairs. By Caleb..?

I tried to remember what happened before that and see another vision of me immediately going to little space and bursting in tears in front of Caleb. Oh god that is so embarrassing..

I facepalmed and blamed little me for doing something stupid and embarrassing again.  I sometimes hate my little side.. even though it helps me to relax.

I then see another vision of Caleb picking me up, sitting me on his lap as he comforted me with his soft voice whispering very comforting things to my ear that I really liked.

I blushed as I remember that and felt funny inside. I then put my hands on my face and squealed.


When I finally managed to calm myself down, I looked for my phone.

It wasn't on the nightstand, neither it was on my bed.

I scratched my head as I think where I left it again.

I then remembered that it was in my pocket, along with my keys and wallet.

I looked at what I was wearing, that's why I was really uncomfortable in sleeping.. I still have my big boy clothes on.

I was also glad that Caleb didn't decide on changing my clothes and see me half naked in the process. I probably wouldn't be able to talk to him properly anymore.. all he did for me already is embarrassing me enough.. him seeing me half naked is the last thing I need right now.

I placed my phone, keys and wallet on the nightstand and yawned.

Headache seem to come in and I hold my head at the slight pain in my head.

I decided on getting off of bed and get some pills for this headache.

I looked at the wall clock near my door.

It's almost noon, and I haven't even eaten breakfast yet.

I just shrugged it off and went out of my room, not caring about what I looked like.

I was about to go straight in the bathroom but I smelled something delicious that made my stomach growl in hunger.

I stopped in my tracks and looked downstairs where the smell was coming from.

I ignored my headache and walked downstairs to follow the smell.

It came from the kitchen so I approached it.

When I got there I see someones back facing me, seemingly cooking something.

I was confused and didn't know what to think, Should I be thankful for this guy for cooking food because I'm freaking starving or Should I be concerned that there's a stranger in my house??

I think he heard my footsteps nearing him so he started turning around.

I freaked out and turned around to start running to I don't know where. When I just took a few steps, I tripped and fell on my face, but it wasn't that serious to have a bruise.

"Javi!" The stranger yelled as I hear his footsteps come near me hurriedly.

He sounds familiar..

He helped me up and instantly looked at my face for bruises, I presumed.

I got a good look at his face. I see a very handsome guy right in front of me. I finally recognized him, It's Caleb.. he didn't leave?

"What were you thinking?" He said very worriedly and tried to fix me up.

I just stared at him, admiring his handsome face.

"I just thought a stranger was in my house so I freaked out.." I finally said as I lowered my head in embarrassment.

I heard him chuckle. "I cooked us breakfast by the way." He said as he goes back at the stove.

I approached him, "But isn't it afternoon already?" I said as I look at what he was cooking.

I looked at the eggs and remembered the past events that I tried to cook an egg but got a bruise instead. I cringe at the memory.

"I guess it's lunch then." He said as he continued on cooking. "We'll talk more when I finished cooking, you should put on more comfortable clothes than those big boy clothes mm?" He said softly, not looking at me.

"But I'm not little right now.." I mumbled, but was loud enough for him to hear.

"Still, you should put on more comfortable clothes because those look like it's making you uncomfortable." He continued, still not looking at me.

"Okay.."  I replied.

I walked back upstairs and went to the bathroom first.

My headache seems to be gone now so no need for pills.

I looked at the mirror. My hair was messy and my clothes got a little bit wrinkly.

I blushed at my appearance that Caleb saw me in. Another embarrassing move..

I decided on showering again so I'll look much more fresh than before and look a bit more decent after.

When I finished showering, I grabbed the towel, wrapped it around my waist and hurriedly went to my room, closing it after.

I searched in my closet for comfortable clothes that is appropriate for Caleb to see me in.

I picked out shorts that aren't really that short and a white oversized sweater.

I put them on and looked at the body mirror. I actually think I kinda look cute..

I fixed my hair by combing it with my fingers.

When I finally thought that my hair's looks decent enough, I approached the small desk near the corner and took my laptop.

I sat down on the bed after and decided on talking with Daniel and Carson, my fellow littles that I'm friends with online.

I usually talk to them while in little space but now I'll talk to them in big space.

I barely remember what we even talk about sometimes but I remember who they are and that they are like, my best little friends on the internet.

We usually do video calls instead of texting because we really like seeing each other and talk a lot.

They haven't seen big me yet so I guess I should introduce myself to them.

While I was logging in my account on the site 'Littles Connect'; where my little friends and I talk, My mind came back to Caleb.

I started to wonder about what he said earlier.

He said he wanted to ask me something important..?


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