Chapter 18

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Javi's POV

"H-h-hello..J-javi..?!" Katja said pretty quickly.

I got worried and was about to ask her if she was alright, "Are you-" but she cuts me off, "WHY WEREN'T YOU ANSWERING MY FUCKING CALLS AND MESSAGES??! I TRIED CALLING YOU FOR THE PAST COUPLE OF HOURS NOW, AND YOU WEREN'T EVEN FUCKING ANSWERING ME!!" She screams at me out of anger in the phone.

I flinched and took the phone away from my ear.

I started to tear up.

I don't like being screamed at..

I shakily put the phone back next to my ear to hear nothing. She hung up..

I sniffed, trying to stop myself from crying but failed anyways.

I put my phone to my chest and pressed my back to the wall.

I slide down until I was sitting on the floor, crying.

I placed the phone down on floor next to me and brought my knees to my chest as I hugged it, still crying.

She's mad at me.. she hates me..

I cry more of the thought and just sat there, thinking about more negative things about myself.

I'm a bad boyfriend.. I'm bad.. I'm bad..

Caleb's POV

I wait. Still nothing..

I wait some more. Still no Javi..

I get slightly impatient and thought, Why is he taking so long?? Is the call really that important? How about our plan? Isn't that important too..?

I stand up.

I'll just check on him.

I walk to the kitchen where Javi went when he took the call.

I heard soft crying.

I stopped walking for a second to listen closely if it was really crying or I'm just hearing things.

I hear sniffling, and whimpering.

I proceed walking in the kitchen to see a very heart breaking sight.

It was Javi, who was still on his oversized sweater and short shorts, was sat on the floor, crying his eyes out.

I look at him with sadness.

He's crying again.. I thought maybe having a caregiver would make him a bit happier. Does he cry often like this too? Feeling lonely and depressed.

I finally snap out of it and walk towards him.

I crouched down in front of him "Hey buddy, what's wrong?" I ask softly and started to lift him up. He doesn't seem to mind and said "s-sad.." He stuttered in a broken voice.

My heart broke hearing him like that.

It makes me sad seeing him like this, and I thought I could make him happy but I guess not..

I continue to think negatively.

I guess I'm not gonna be the one who's going to fix him and finally make him happy..

"Shh.. it's okay.. everything's okay.." I said softly to his ear as he hugs me.

I brought him back to the living room.

I sat down on the couch and placed him down to my lap.

He hugs my neck tighter as he sniffles.

I hug him back and caress his back in a comforting way.

"What happened? You can tell me.." I whispered softly to him.

"K-katja.. scweam.. a-at javi.." He mumbled, slightly shaking.


I stared at the wall for a moment, trying to process what Javi just said.

She did what?! Why would she scream at him like that? I mean, yeah, he didn't answer her calls and messages but I know he wouldn't do that on purpose. He might've a reason, like, he probably set his phone on silent or he just didn't hear his phone, but I bet Katja didn't even listen to him. Fucking Bitch.

I hug him more and whispered comforting things to his ear.

"Shh, It's okay. She probably didn't mean to yell at you. She was probably just stressed out about her day so she yelled at you out of frustration on accident. It's okay, you'll be alright. I'll make sure she won't ever yell at you again."

He listens to me closely. "S-she wont y-yell at Javie no m-more?" He stopped hugging my neck and looked at me with his puffy doe eyes as he asks me that.

I smile at him and placed my hand on his hair, ruffling it. "I'll go talk to her later about it, okay? Everything is going to be okay."

He smiles brightly at me, suddenly forgetting the reason of his sadness. "Thank you for deciding to help me.." He said shyly to me.

I smile back at him "No problem, I'm happy to help."

He giggles cutely. "Can we go to my room? Mr Cuddles is lonely up there." He said as he gets off my lap.

He grabs my hand and starts dragging me upstairs. "Let's go play~!" He said, giggling.

I chuckled at him as I proceed to let him drag me to his room.


Katja's POV

I scream at the phone out of frustration. Why is everyone being so complicated today??!

When I no longer hear anything through the phone, I assumed that it was already dead. "You've got to be kidding me!!" I yelled.

I groaned and finally decided to go charge my phone.

I tiredly grabbed my bag and tried to find my charger.

I search for it, messily throwing out my other things to find it easily. I threw out everything and finally saw my charger. It was in the very bottom.

I grabbed it and charged my phone near the wall.

I sit there for a few seconds, not really knowing what to do next.

When I finally decided to take a shower and fix up, I stand up, picking up some clothes that I could wear, and went to the bathroom.

I take a quick shower and got dressed.

I messily put back everything in my bag and grabbed my phone.

I look at the mattress where I was sleeping earlier and saw my bunny plush.

I smiled and grabbed it.

I hugged it, finally feeling relaxed and less moody.


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