Chapter 20

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Javi's POV

Caleb kissed my forehead and left.

I got flustered and held my forehead, not expecting for him to kiss it.

The kiss seemed to trigger me to go to little space but I quickly refrained myself from doing so.

I just decided to clean the house a bit to distract myself.

I stood up and went downstairs.

I grabbed the broom near the door and started cleaning in the living room.

When I was done sweeping, I went to the kitchen to start cleaning there too.

I was almost done, then I noticed the dishes in the sink and decided to wash them after I sweep the floor.

I finished sweeping and I put back the broom.

I walked to the sink to start washing the dishes.

I start with putting some soap on the sponge and adding it with water, then I grabbed a plate and started scrubbing.

The foam was kind of distracting me because it looks fun to play with but I tried to ignore it and just continued on washing the dishes.

I managed to created a pile of foam in the sink, that I somehow left there and it was starting to really distract me now.

I wanted to play with it, so I told myself that I'll just play with it for just a few seconds then I'll get back to washing the rest of the dishes.

I grabbed some foam on my hand, putting it near my faces so I can blow on it.

I blew it away from my hand and I giggle.

I grabbed another one and repeated what I did.

I giggle some more, seemingly enjoying myself as I make more soap foam.

I seem to fall in little space without noticing and completely forgotten about the dishes.

I put the sink stopper on and open the faucet.

I let the water flow in the sink while I grab more liquid soap.

I make more foam and bubbles, using half of the bottle of liquid soap.

I splash around a little as the water continues to fill up the whole sink along with the bubbles I made.

I giggled as I splash more and more, not noticing my sweater has gotten wet already.

I play around some more and created more bubbles, using all of the left over liquid soap resulting for the bottle to be completely empty.

The sink was now filled with soapy water and was dripping down the floor but I just ignored it and continued on playing.

Caleb's POV

I parked my car near the sidewalk and quickly got out.

I walk back to Javi's house with the bag of chocolates in hand.

I opened the door and walked in.

"Javi? I'm back." I said loudly but I didn't get any response from him.

I closed the door behind me.

Where is he? I asked mentally to myself but soon enough my thoughts were interrupted by the sound I heard of splashing and giggling in the kitchen.

I quickly rush in there to see Javi splashing around on soapy water in the sink while giggling, his sweater all wet, and a big puddle of water beneath him that was from the running faucet that was currently still on.

I look in horror at the sight. I thought I told him to be big for awhile and wait for me? I guess he didn't listen huh

I got a bit mad. "Javi!" I yelled unexpectedly at him.

He flinched and turned around in fright.

His eyes widen as he looks at me and then looks back at what he did.

He looks back at me, guilt clearly shown on his face.

I just glared at him.

He seems to be a lost in words and was struggling to say something to me. He nervously stuttered, "I-i-i-"

But I cut him off with a stern, "Get in the corner."

He looks at me in shock. "W-what?" He asked weakly.

I repeated myself. "I said, Get in the corner. You're getting a time out." I explained sternly.

He still looked at me with wide eyes and decided to ask, "B-but-"

I let out an angry sigh. "Don't make me repeat myself again, mister. I said, Go in the freaking corner." I said more sternly, crossing my arms.

He lowered his head and finally obeyed, walking away to go to the corner.

He sat down on the floor and faced the corner.

I hear him crying softly. I hate seeing him cry but I needed to do this so he can learn from his mistakes.

I placed the bag that I was holding on the counter and approached the sink to turn off the running faucet.

I removed the sink stopper so the water would go through the drain again.

I cleaned the rest of the mess and used the conveniently placed mop in the kitchen to clean the floor.

When I finished and put everything away, I walk towards Javi in the corner.

I crouched down behind him. "Javi. Look at me."

He turns around, eyes still puffy from crying and lips forming a cute pout.

I cooed silently at the sight.

"Can you tell me what you did wrong?" I asked more softly to him.

He sniffled. "J-javie was b-bad..." He sniffled some more, looking down a bit ashamed. "P-played wit w-water 'nd m-ade a m-mess. I'm s-sowwy.." He continued and starts to cry again.

I pull him into a hug. "It's okay. Just don't do that again okay?" I rub his back comfortingly.

I then remembered one of my friends say that they praise their littles for doing well on their punishments and that seems to calm them down.

"You took your punishment so well, I'm so proud of you. You're a good boy mm?" I softly praised Javi.

He looked up at me with teary eyes widen. "R-really..?" He asked innocently.

I smiled at him. "Of course. Now let's get you cleaned up." I said as I stand up.

He stands up as well and follows me upstairs to the bathroom.

"You can get cleaned up by yourself right?" I asked.

He nodded and closed the bathroom door.

I sighed. This is going to be a tough job to get used to.. I thought as I enter Javi's room.

I look at my shirt, that now had a wet spot. Probably got it from hugging Javi with his still really wet sweater.

I shrugged and just decided to ignore it. It'll dry up soon enough.

I walk up to Javi's closet.

I figured that I'd pick up some new clothes for him to wear.

I opened his closet to see some casual clothes mixed with his little clothes.

I decided on getting him his little clothes, so I looked for some.

He had a few sweaters and pastel colored shirts. He also had different colored types of shorts and sweatpants. And the rest of little clothes were PJ pants. I assumed those were all of his little space clothes.

I think for a bit on what I should get him to wear.

What should I pick..?

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