Chapter 11

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Caleb's POV

When we finally arrived at our street, I said to him. "We're at the street, buddy."

Javi, who I see in the rear mirror still drinking his hot coco not paying much attention to anything else, has brought his attention to me.

He then guided me on where to go by telling me the directions.

We passed my house and kept going forward.

It's easier to understand him now since he isn't slurring on his words anymore.

I think his head space got a little bit older. That's good.

When we were finally at our destination, he told me to park the car near the four modern looking small houses that looked like they were connected to each other.

I think those are apartments.

I get out of the car and opened the back seat door for Javi.

He carefully got out of the car and I closed the car door behind him.

"So, Which one's your apartment?" I asked looking at the house looking apartments in front of me and looking back at Javi.

He pointed at the third one and started walking towards it.

I then noticed that he wasn't holding his cup of coco anymore.

Huh? Where did it go? He was just holding it a minute ago.

"Wait here." I commanded as I walked back to my car not looking back at him.

I opened the back seat door and saw the cup laying on the seat, still dripping with a bit of hot coco left in the cup.

There was now a brown stain in my car seat. Great..

I look at the stain and cup disapprovingly.

Does this kid know his manners? He just stained my car. Someone needs to teach him a lesson.

I took the cup and closed the car door.

I walk back at him.

He was standing there, arms crossed, and had an almost irritated expression on his face.

"Can you hurry up?" He said sassily at me.

Rude and impatient too? What a naughty little.

"Why did you just leave this," I lifted the empty cup. "-inside my car?"

He raised a brow and looked at the cup skeptically.

Okay, I swear this kid was all happy and nice earlier. What's with the sudden change of attitude?

"I don't know." He said, doesn't seem to care about it much.

"You don't know? So you think it's okay to leave your garbage anywhere you want? Especially at someone's property?" I said, voice darker than usual.

I saw fear in his eyes when his eyes widen slightly at my sudden showing of dominance.

"N-no." He stutters, avoiding eye contact with me.

"We'll talk more later when we get in your apartment." I said sternly.

"O-okay." He said nervously then approached his apartment.

I follow behind.

He unlocks the door and went in.

"Y-you can c-come in." He stuttered, still not making eye contact with me.

I walked in and looked around.

It doesn't look as small as I anticipated. It actually looks a bit bigger than the outside. It was still small though..

I looked back at Javi, who was still looking down and had a flustered expression.

"Aren't you going to lead your guest to the living room and not just stand there?" I asked him.

He finally looked up at me and turned red from embarrassment.

"O-o-oh y-yeah.." He stuttered and closed the front door.

"F-follow me."

I follow him while still looking around the small apartment.

When we arrived the living room, he motioned me to sit down on one of the couches.

I sat myself at the soft coach and faced Javi.

"Okay, I wanted to ask you something." I said seriously.

He looked more nervous than before but tried to remain calm and asked, "W-what is it..?"

I then stopped myself from talking for a moment and thought of something I should ask first before I ask the serious question.

"Actually, before that, How old are you right now?" I asked.

"I-I'm 8.." He said looking down.

I thought for a minute,
Should I just ask it to little him? But he might say something he might regret when he gets out of his head space.. I'll just talk to big Javi about it.

"Can I talk to big Javi? I need to ask him something really important." I said in a more softer voice so I won't make him even more uncomfortable.

"O-oh okay.." He said as he started to calm down a bit.

He gulped and finally made eye contact with me.

He still seemed nervous but acted more proper than earlier.

"Uhm, you wanted to tell me something important?" He asked, voice sounded more like his normal voice than the more childish one.

I think he's not in little space anymore,

"Yes," I started as I slumped back into the couch making myself feel comfortable. "-I know you're a little."

"Yeah.. I noticed that," He scratched the back of his head, looking down. Probably blushing because I saw pink in his cheeks before he looked down. "If you're just going to make fun of me for being a freak then just do it already-"

I almost immediately cut him off, "No, no. I'm not here to judge you," I said softly, looking at him sympathetically.

He has probably been bullied before and have been called by those mean names..

"I'm actually here to ask you something related to that, that might help you and even make you more comfortable in being in little space more often." I said, smiling at him.

He gave me a confuse look.

I sighed mentally and thought,
hopefully this works...


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