Chapter 19

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Caleb's POV

I was sat on Javi's bed watching him play with his stuffed panda.

He asked it if he can have this dance and started dancing with it while giggling, pretending to be in a ballroom.

It was cute, and kinda amusing to watch at the same time.

He seems to be lost in his imagination and completely forgot about me being here.

I just smiled watching him, glad that he isn't that sad anymore.

I then suddenly hear my phone ringing in my pocket.

I looked at the screen to see who was calling.

It's Katja.

I stood up, "Be right back buddy, I just gotta take this call." I said quickly to him and walked out of the room.

I answer it and said, "Hey."

"Hey, Can you pick me up? I wanna go home already."

I looked back at the bedroom where Javi was playing at, "Uhm, Do you want to go now? Like, now now?" I asked.

I felt like she was rolling her eyes at me through the phone for some reason. "Yeah, now now." She mocked.

"Can't you just walk? It's not that far." I said, kind of irritated.

I heard her sigh, frustration clear in her voice.

"Okay first of all, it is far from our house, and secondly, why can't you just pick me up?? You usually always agree to pick me up and say you don't mind even when you're in basketball practice," She says, getting annoyed.

She continued, "What even are you so busy about? Are you with your girlfriend or something that I don't know of?" She asked skeptically.

I frustratedly sighed. "No, I don't have a girlfriend to go to, and I'm busy because I'm at my friends house trying to help him with something important." I said as calmly as I could make it.

"Can't you just pick me up already?! I just want to go home, so pick me up right now!" She said quite demandingly.

Before I could even protest she hung up.

I groaned in frustration and thought of just letting her stay there for the whole day or just do what she said and get over it already.

I decided on just picking her up and do what she says. I don't want mom  randomly calling me again just to scold me for not taking responsibility for my sister.

I walked back in Javi's room to see him sitting on his bed, now looking at me.

"What's wrong?" I asked as I approached him.

"I-i wanted to play wit chu." He said to me in a more higher pitched voice than before while smiling widely.

I sigh again, He seems to be younger in headspace now! I can't just leave him unsupervised!

I slightly crouch to his level and said, "Hey buddy, Can you be a bit big for awhile? I'll just need to go somewhere and I want you to be a big boy for only a few minutes, it's that okay? I'll be right back."

His smile slowly faded until he was now pouting. "Y-you leaving..?" He asked innocently.

"I'll be right back, I promise. I'll even bring you chocolate when I get back, if you want." I said to him.

He looks up at me, "R-really?" He said cutely as he started to smile again.

I chuckle at him, "Yeah, of course. Now can you be big boy right now, for me?"

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