Just Best Friends? | T.H

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You and Tom were best friends ever since you were little, including Harrison. You had an age gap of a year but that doesn't really matter to you two.

You are now 18 years old and he was 19 years old. Even at that age, you still acted like you were kids, playing around with each other.

Many people would mistaken you as a couple because you do some actions that couples do like him putting an arm on your shoulder while walking.

But you guys would just deny it and just say that both of you are just really close friends. You were like siblings. Or are you really?

You sat in the couch just eating chips that you got from Tom's container while watching a movie in his house. Your houses were just beside each other so you would always go to his house or he would go to your house without even telling each other.

You heard someone's footsteps and you knew who it was.

"And you're here again." You heard his thick British accent at the back but you didn't take your eyes off the TV screen. "Sup?" You said.

"Nothing much just had a shower." He said and went to sit next to you comfortably. He noticed that you were eating his food and crossed his arms.

"Where did you get that?" He asked you and you looked up to him with the bowl of chips on your hands.


"In the grocery store?" You said and gave him an innocent smile. You know he couldn't resist your smile but he had to control it.

"You got that from my container, did you?" He asked and moved his body even more close to you. You moved your body back and said, "No." You tried not to laugh at his face and placed the bowl on top of the table.

He suddenly tickled your hips at first and he knew you were really ticklish in your hips and neck so he targeted your neck too.

"Tom s-stop it!" You laughed as he didn't stop tickling you. You kept moving until your back was already pressed to the couch and Tom was already on top of you, still tickling you.

"Alright! Alright! I stole it, just stop it!" You said and he finally stop tickling you but he was still on top of you. You looked up to him.

Both of your eyes locked with each other. His eyes were so beautiful and you never thought about it until now. You felt your cheeks burning up but you know that you're not suppose to feel like this.

"I love you." He suddenly whispered and you felt his breath in your face for a bit. It was normal for you to say 'I love you' to each other since you meant it as best friends.

You chuckled, "I know that, dumdum." You said and pushed him so that you can get up and get water. You stood up and went to the kitchen which was just near the living room and to the fridge.

Tom sat down and felt his heart ache since he knew that you think he meant it as a friend. He knew it was already time to let his feelings for you out. It was already breaking him apart to pretend that he had no feelings for you. You were basically inseparable with each other and it's expected that one of you would have feelings for each other.

"It's not what you think, Y/N." Tom suddenly stood up from the couch and went near you. You suddenly stopped and felt confused. You looked up to look at Tom and he was already in the kitchen. You felt your heart beating fast on what he's going to say.

"What do you mean, Tom?" You asked, confusingly.

You heard him sigh and slowly walked towards you. You stepped back but you felt your back hit the counter top and you couldn't move anywhere else because he was so close to you. You looked up to him and he looked down to you.

He suddenly placed a hand to your nape and moved his face close to yours. You closed your eyes and felt his lips pressed to yours. You eyes widen in shock and wanted to push him but your body felt weak. You dropped the water bottle that you got from the fridge. You gave up and kissed him back while wrapping your arms around him. You felt your world spinning and you never want this feelings to end.

You felt him pull away but your foreheads were touching with each other, trying to catch your breaths.

"That's what I meant." He whispered to you and gave you a smile. You were still in shock but you liked the feeling you were feeling right now. "I'm sorry, I shouldn't have kissed you suddenly. You might feel very confused right now. I love you so much and I just couldn't handle it anymore--" He blurted but you suddenly grabbed his face to press you lips to his again to stop him from talking.

You pulled away and finally said, "I love you too, Tom." You gave him a smile. Tom felt relieved that you had feelings for him too. He hugged you and placed his head to your neck and snuggled. He grabbed your waist and carried you up to sit in the counter top. He was about to kiss you again until you heard a very familiar voice in the room.

"Hey Tom, I'm just going to get something from your room that I left-- What the--?" Harrison walked inside the kitchen and dropped his things to the floor when he saw both of you with his mouth wide open.

Harrison grinned and crossed his arms when he finally figured out what was happening, "You finally told her mate, did you?"

Tom answered with a nod and and you gave him a smile.

"Now I'm going to be a third wheel all the time." Harrison said and walked out of the room. You and Tom laughed and spent the whole day together.

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