Dance With Me | T.H

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A/N: i highly recommend you to play the song while you read this. there will be a cue on when to play. just watch out for it! lyrics will be displayed. i don't know if the song will relate with the story but it's a really nice song to dance

song: i won't tell a soul by charlie puth


You stood there with your party dress on. You were just in the corner while everyone was socializing and dancing with one another. Your best friend, Zendaya, was out talking with some of her friends. This was a celebration night for the success of the Spiderman: Far From Home movie. You were so lucky to be part of that film even though you only had small parts there.

You gave a heavy sigh and walked going towards the bar. You needed to drink, but not a strong one. You didn't want to get yourself drunk in this party.

You sat on the high chair and the bartender approached you.

"What can I get for you, ma'am?" He asked.

"Just a champagne, please." You answered and the bartended nodded as an answer and went to get your drink.

As you were waiting, you watched as the people were enjoying themselves. After a few seconds, the bartender came back with your drink and gave it to you. You got the glass with your hand and took a sip.

"You should totally go to her, dude."

Tom looked at Jacob confusingly. He looked at where Jacob was pointing at and there he saw you, drinking your drink.

"What? No! She'll probably think that I'm weird." He said with his think British accent that made Jacob chuckle.

"You really won't tell her, mate? You're practically all over her." Harrison added and took a sip of his drink. "She's basically alone. Give it a shot." He said.

Tom had this little crush on you ever since you were on set. Not just little, but a huge crush on you as what Jacob and Harrison would say.

Tom could feel heat forming on  his cheeks just when he looked at you. He really find you so beautiful to the point where he can't help but just stare at you. He is friends with you but he was just scared to tell you.

But go talk to her! His gut told him.

He had no idea what came over him. He stood up and didn't say anything as he walked towards you.

You finished your drink and placed it on the table. On the corner of you eye, you saw a familiar person walking towards you. You turned to the side and felt your cheeks blush. It was Tom Holland.

He gave a small smile to you that made your heart flutter, like he always does.

"Can I sit beside you?" He asked.

You blinked your eyes before aneering him. "Y-yeah, go ahead." You said. He sat beside you and faced you. It's been a while since the last time you have talked to each other. Both of you were so busy with the film that you didn't really get to talk to one another.

"Where's Harrison and Jacob?" You asked him.

"Just somewhere. I just really wanted to be with you since you were alone and to catch things up with you." He answered and looked at you. You didn't know what to say so you just gave him a smile.

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