⇝ stare at her | parker

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imagine this...

imagine this

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"So I have this really cool lego Death Star model that I want to build tonight. Can I come over your apartment?" Ned said but Peter didn't answer. Ned looked at him and saw that Peter was just staring at something, well at someone actually. He didn't even touch his food yet.

"Peter?" Ned called in a loud tone voice that startled Peter. "What?"

"You staring again." Ned said.

"I can't help it dude." Peter said and kept staring at her while putting up flyers in the canteen. Ned knew Peter had a crush on Y/N for a very long time now.

"We should stop staring before it gets creepy." Peter said but still stared at her. Y/N looked at the direction where Peter was a caught him staring at her. She knew him from chemistry class so she gave him a small wave and a smile.

Peter saw Y/N gave him a smile and felt his heart skipped a beat. This was the first time she waved at him and smiled. He nervously waved back at her which made her giggle.

Peter was used to just looking at her and that was already enough for him.

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