Not Sleepy | T.H

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- 10:22 pm -

tommy: hey baby girl

y/n: hey tommy!
how was filming?

tommy: went great, love.
we're almost done. i can't
wait to come home to your

y/n: same. i can't wait
to see you. where are
you now?

tommy: hotel. in the

y/n: why are you shirtless?

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y/n: why are you

tommy: cause its hot
in here.

- 10:25 pm -

tommy: me thinking of you

y/n: aw, i miss you so much!

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y/n: aw, i miss you so


y/n: dont be sad

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y/n: dont be sad. we're going
to see each other soon.
don't be sad for me.

tommy: alright, love.

y/n: you better sleep
now. you still have
shooting tomorrow,

tommy: yes, ma'am.
tommy: good night,
love. i love you.

y/n: good night, tom.
i love you too.

- 11:00 pm -

tommy: i can't sleep
tommy: been thinking
of you
tommy: i can't get you off
my head
tommy: are you still

- 11:10 pm -

y/n: hey, i just woke up
to go to the toilet
y/n: you better sleep
again, tom

tommy: i tried. i still
couldn't sleep.

y/n: poor tommy

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y/n: poor tommy. just close
your eyes and try to not
think of anything

tommy: okay. i'll try,

- 11:15 pm -

tommy: nope. still

y/n: it's been only five
minutes, tom

tommy: and i'm

tommy: and i'm boredtommy:

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y/n: try poking jacob?

tommy: he's gonna
kill me when i wake
him up

y/n: so we'll just talk
all night until you

tommy: yes
tommy: how about we

y/n: sure. i'll keep
it down

- 12:00 am -

tommy: i think calling
helped. i'm actually
sleepy now

y/n: good. i have to sleep.
i forgot i have work in the
morning too

tommy: one last before
we sleep

tommy: one last before we sleeptommy:

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y/n: you're hot there. thanks,

tommy: anytime, babe.
and so are you

y/n: i love you

- 12:15 pm -

y/n: tom?
y/n: now i'm the one who
can't sleep
y/n: help me
y/n: you already slept.
oh god
y/n: i hate you for keeping
me awake
y/n: you have to give me a
gallon of ice cream when you
come back

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