⇝ ex | parker

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imagine this...

imagine this

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"Can you tell me again how you became Spider-man?" Ned asked Peter as they were walking in the crowded hallway.

"Not now, Ned. People are gonna hear us." Peter replied.

"You still can't tell the world that you are the Spider-man?"

"Nope and I don't ever think I will."

"Come on! People are going to be shock especially Flash. He will probably stop calling you a loser." Ned said.

"I don't think I'll ever be ready for any of that." Peter said and he suddenly stopped his tracks when he saw someone.

"How about a Star Wars marathon later in your place? It's Friday." Ned suggested but Peter didn't get to answer. He continued to stare at her.

"Peter?" Ned called Peter and saw him looking at something. He looked at the direction to where he was looking and he figured it out.

"You're staring at her again." Ned said. He heard Peter sigh but still continued to look.

It was Y/N Y/L/N. His ex. She was with her small group of friends, including Michelle. She talking and laughing at them as they were walking towards the lockers.

"It's been a month." Peter mumbled. When Y/N looked at her side, she caught Peter looking at her. She felt her heart ache.

It has been a month since Peter chose being Spider-man over her. You understood him but it hurts, until now. Peter regretted breaking up with you but he knew you weren't going to go back to him.

Peter quickly looked at somewhere else and pretended not to see you. You also looked away from him and sighed.

"Parker was staring again." You heard Michelle said beside you. You simple nodded at her and you continued walking.

It still hurts on the inside until now.

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