⇝ i'm peter | parker

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imagine this...

imagine this

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You and your dad, Tony Stark, flew towards the spaceship together. When you reached there, there was a boy wearing a suit with a spider on his chest.

"Kid? What the hell are you doing here?" You heard your dad said to the boy.

"I just saw the spaceship and--" He got interrupted when he saw you. You looked at him too. He's darn cute.

"I'm Peter, by the way." He said and offered his hand to you. You shook and he sounded familiar.

"Peter Parker?" You asked.

"Yeah, how do you know? I never saw you in my school." He said.

"My dad talks about you a lot." You said and smirked at your dad. "Y/N Y/L/N." You introduced yourself.

He looked at you and blush. She's pretty with her suit.

"Okay, let's kill this son of the bitch." Your dad interrupted you two and both of you giggled.


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