Cheer Up | P.P

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A/N: another dancing moment because im feel the 'dancing' vibe rn and there will be a cue on when to start the song!

song: bring it on home to me by sam cooke


You dropped your bag on to your bed and flopped yourself to the bed. You just got home from school and thank God it's Friday.

But the thing was, there's assignments which you hated the most. All you wanted to do was lay down in bed all day and sleep.

And all you wanted to be with was to be with your boyfriend, Peter Parker, who is probably swinging in the city and catching some criminals which he does everyday.

He promised he would spend the weekend with you and it just turned to eight in the evening and he still didn't show up. You eventually in waiting and decided to take a quick shower. After your cold and quick shower, you change into your pajamas and rubbed your hair with a towel going towards your room.

You heard a soft tap on the window and that made you startle. You looked back to see your only boyfriend sitting down through the window and waved at you. He was still on his suit and you rolled your eyes on him before opening the window.

"Hey, babe." He said and took his mask off from his head, revealing his messy and wavy hair. He had a smile on his face and you crossed your arms.

"You're late, again." You said and gave him a stern look.

"Aw, you're not even going to give me the kiss that I deserve from saving the city?" He said and pouted. You couldn't even resist him so you gave him a peck on the lips. He grabbed your waist and kissed you deeper and you placed your hand to his chest while your lips in sync. You pulled away, catching your breath and look at him.

"Go take a shower, Parker." You said and patted his chest and laid down in the bed.

"I don't really stink, Y/N." He said and smelled himself and made a disgusting face. "Yep, I really should go." He quickly ran towards your bathroom and you just chuckled at him.

After several minutes of waiting for him to be finished, you heard the door opened and there stood Peter with his matching grey sweatshirt and sweatpants on. Music was played in the background and that made the whole mood. The bed went down when he laid down beside you and placed an arm around your shoulder.

"I'm sorry I was late again." You heard Peter said and you looked at him.

"I understand you, Pete." You said and looked away from him. There were just times that you couldn't stop but to think why he had always go and save the city. You knew it was selfish for you but you are worried about him.

You felt a hand on your chin and that made you look at Peter. "I know you're not okay, Y/N." He said. You looked down and sighed as an answer.

"I'm just worried." You said.

"About what?"

You looked at him again and spoke up. "For you, Pete. I don't want anything to happen to you."

Peter felt those butterflies inside his stomach and his heart flatter. He cupped both of your cheeks with his hands and squished it.

"Ow! What did you do that for?" You said and pouted while his hands was still on your cheeks.

"You're so cute, that's why." He said. "And I promise, nothing bad will happen to me." He said and let one of his hand go from your cheek and let out his pinky finger. "I swear."

You smiled to him and let your pinky finger lock to his.

play song

'Bring It On Home To Me' suddenly played in the background and this made Peter jump up.

"It's this song! I love this song." Hr stood up from the bed and grabbed your hand. You knew what he wanted to do but you remained seated on your bed.

"Nope. I'm not dancing again, Parker."

"Come on. I know you love this too." He said and pulled you up to make you stand. You finally stood up since he was so strong.

You gave up and rolled your eyes on him playfully. You stood close to him and you looked up to him. You locked your arms around his neck and he placed his hands to your waist.

if you ever, change your mind
about leaving, leaving me behind
baby, bring it to me
bring your sweet loving
bring it on home to me  ❞

You and Peter swayed with the song while looking at each other's eyes. You would always look down because you would feel shy but he would still keep looking at you.

"Is there something on my face or something?" You asked. Peter chuckled and smiled.

"Nothing. You are just so cute." He replied and that made you blush and slapped him playfully on hus chest.

"That's the truth, babe."

i know i laughed when you left
but now i know i only hurt myself
bring it to me
bring your sweet loving
bring it on home to me 

Dances with Peter are very common to you already. Whenever you feel down, he would usually cheer you up with dancing. Both you and him love old songs and that would be what you use for dancing.

"You always manage to cheer me up with this, Parker." You said as you placed your head to his chest while both of you still swayed.

"I know." He smiled as he rested his head on top of your's.

i'll give your jewerly and money, too
that ain't all, that ain't all i'll do for you
baby, if you bring it to me
bring your sweet loving
bring it on home to me

"I really feel like we're an old couple." You said and Peter laughed at your statement.

"Even if we're old, we would still do this, together." Peter said.

"I want to mess that handsome face of yours for making me feel this way." You joked and he let one of his hand go from your waist and covered his face.


  one more thing, i tried to treat you right
but you stayed out, stayed out day and night
but i forgive you, bring it to me
bring your sweet loving
bring it on home to me

The song started to fade away and Peter turned your around and catched you when you almost fell. He dipped you down and you giggled at his action. He kissed you as he brought you up again and you deepened the kiss, placing your hand to his chest.

You broke away and placed both of your foreheads to each other. You continued to giggle and he smiled at you. He looked at you even with your forheads together.

"I love you."

You smiled at him and chuckled.

"I love you more, you dork."


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