⇝ shaving | holland

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imagine this...

imagine this

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You just got out from your bed and saw that Tom was nowhere to be found. You decided to go to the kitchen and get some water when you heard someone from the bathroom.

"Is Harrison this early?" You asked to yourself and went to check in the bathroom. The door was open so you decided to go in.

And there you saw your half-naked boyfriend with shaving cream in his hands, looking at himself in the mirror.

And then it hit you.

He didn't even have any beard on his face.

"Tom?" You called out and he quickly looked back to see you.

"Hey, love. Oof--" The shaving cream can fell down and he quickly got it from the ground and placed it in the sink.

"What are you doing? Why are you shaving?" You asked him confusingly. "You don't even have a beard!"

"I did! Well I saw a bit of it in my chin and I wanted to try shaving. So here I am." He said.

You gave him a poker face and leaned on the doorway. "You're going to get a wound since you only have little beard, Tom."

"I'll be fine, Y/N. Don't worry. It'll be my first time doing this." He said and gave you a kissy smile.

"Just be careful okay?" You said. "I'll be making breakfast for us." You gave him a smile and walked going to the kitchen.

After a few minutes, you suddenly heard a manly scream from the bathroom.

"Bloody hell!"

Your eyes widen and turned off the stove and ran going to the bathroom. You found Tom hissing while wiping off the wound under his chin.

"Tom, I told you to be careful!" You scolded him and got the tissue from his hand and wiped the blood. There was a small cut but lots of blood are coming out.

"I was careful, love!" He protested.

You spent almost ten minutes helping Tom with his wound until you placed a band aid on the wound.

"Thank you so much, love." Tom said. You rolled your eyes on him plaufully.

"Never do that again." You said to him and he pouted. "Let Chris Evans or Robert Downey Jr. teach you to do shaving next time."

"Fine, love." He said and gave you a hug.

"Breakfast is ready."


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