Love Me for Me | T.H

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WORD COUNT 2.5k words


You and Tom were best friends. You've known him for so long that you would always hang out with him. Many of your neighbors thought that you guys were together since you would always be together. Well, those aren't true since he's a playboy.

Yes, a playboy. You're best friends with a playboy. Well, he wasn't like that when you first met. It just got to him as you were growing up. And although he's like that, he still chose to be best friends with you and be there for you.

Luckily, Harrison, his best mate, wasn't a playboy and you were best friends too with him. When Tom is out on bars, and probably with girls, you would either be hanging out with Harrison or be alone at home doing nothing.

Problem is, it wasn't easy for you to not have feelings for Tom. Of course, you would always be together and you couldn't help but feel something towards him. And the only person who knows this was Harrison.

"This heart is so stupid!" You exclaimed while pointing to your chest. You were now ranting to Harrison for the third time about your feelings for Tom. Harrison was just sitting on the couch while you were standing there with your head boiling.

"Nothing's gonna happen if you don't do anything about it," Harrison said and you stopped walking around and glared at him. He just looked away from you. "And that's just your choice." He added.

You gave a heavy sigh and sat down beside Harrison. He wrapped an arm around you and patted your head. You placed your head on his shoulder. It was normal for you to be like this with Harrison. He was like your big brother after all.

"It's obvious that he likes you too, you know?" Harrison suddenly blurted out. You looked at him in confusion. How is it that obvious for him and for you it's not?

"How can you say that?" You started. "He could never like me. He likes tons of girls, Haz." You said. "Wait, no. Replace that. He hasn't been serious with someone, ever."

"And he's stupid enough to not notice you," Harrison said. "Come on. You've been inseparable with each other, Y/N. It's impossible for him to not like you in that way."

"You're honestly like one of the people who has been telling me that. I can't believe this." You said and stood up from the couch.

"What? It's true!" Harrison said and you just rolled your eyes and walked straight to your bedroom.


You still can't believe why you're roommates with Tom and Harrison in the first place. You've been covering your ears for the past thirty minutes already, not wanting to hear what is happening to the room next to yours. You didn't want to hear the screaming and the noises that were happening.

Why did Tom have to go home? You asked with a groan. He could've just went to a hotel or something.

It has been torturing you for the past thirty minutes until the noises were now over.

Finally. You said and concentrated on your sleep and you are definitely going to have a talk with Tom in the morning.


You woke up from your 'peaceful' sleep as the sunshine hit your face. You suddenly stood up from your bed to go to the kitchen and get some tea. You were wearing your pajamas and barefooted.

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