Doggy Date | T.H

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It was your anniversary with Tom and you had something planned for him today. Tom lived with you which was far away from his hometown in London. You knew how much he missed his dog, Tessa, the cutest dog that you've met.

He was out filming his new Spider-man movie and you were at home preparing yourself for your surprise for him. Luckily, he got only the morning to film so that he could spend the rest of your anniversary day with you.

You heard the doorbell rang and you jumped up and ran to the door.

Maybe it's already him.

You opened the door and there he stood with a bouquet of roses in his hand and a small gift.

"Happy anniversary, love." He said. You felt your cheeks burn up and you gave him a smile. Although you're together with him for two years, you still can't help but blush every time he would do something sweet for you. Even the simple sweet things.

"Happy anniversary to you too, Tom." You gave him a peck on the lips and received the flowers and the small gift from him. You placed it on the table and turned around to look at him.

"I actually have a surprise for you." You said to him and he gave you a confused look.

"What is it?" He asked. You got a cloth on the table and showed it to him. "We're going to go somewhere that I think you will love."

"The arcade?" That answer made you chuckle. You knew how he loved going to the arcade like your previous anniversary.

"Nope." You placed the cloth around his eyes so that he wouldn't see anything yet. You lead him outside going to the car, carefully. Last time you did this to him, both of you almost fell on the ground.

"The golf course?"


"Oh! Did you finally get me my own Spider-man suit?"

"Absolutely not."


You drove the car while Tom was in the passenger's seat, still blindfolded. He kept asking where you were and if you have already arrived.

"Are we there yet?" He asked like a kid going to the playground. It was the fifth time he asked you that same question.

"Almost and stop asking." You said and glanced at him. You saw him pout and you let out a chuckled.

After a few more minutes, you have finally reached your destination and you went out first. You opened the door for Tom and you helped him get out of the car.

"Ow!" You heard a thud and Tom yelled in pain.

"I'm sorry!" You said and rubbed his head where he got hit and kissed it. You led him inside the place and let him stay still.

"Are you ready?" You asked and held on the the cloth that was covering his eyes. He nodded and that was your cue to take the blindfold off. As soon as his blindfold was off, his eyes widen when he saw the place.

Dogs and puppies were everywhere on this place and he can smell the scent of coffee in the place.

"I knew you missed being at home and being with Tessa so I thought, why not take you to a dog café during our anniversary? And we both love dogs too so rented this place for us today." You explained to him. He went near you and wrapped his arms around you.

"Thank you." He whispered in your ear and you hugged him back. After your short hug, puppies immediately ran to him and he sat down on the floor to play with them. You did the same thing and you would take photos of Tom with puppies from time to time.

There were times when the puppies would knock him down and he would end up laying down on the floor with puppies all over him. And that happened to you too.

"This is already heaven to me." He said and you giggled. You had a Corgi on your lap and just petting it.

"If Tessa was here, I bet she would bark at those puppies to get away from you." You teased.

"Probably. This reminds me of when she was still a small puppy." He said as he carried a puppy up and it was licking his face.

You spent the rest of the day in the café. Drinking coffee and playing with the dogs. You felt accomplished just when you see Tom happy about your surprise.

It was already getting late and it was time for you to go but Tom didn't want to leave.

"Do we really have to go, love?" Tom pouted while he was hugging a pitbull puppy.

"We can come back here soon, babe." You assured him.

"I don't wanna go, Y/N." He said while he was still hugging the pitbull puppy.

You felt your heart flatter when he said that and you laughed at him

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You felt your heart flatter when he said that and you laughed at him. He looked so cute with the puppy. You quickly snapped a picture of his position right now.

After a few more minutes of being with the puppies, Tom finally stood up and both of you said your goodbyes to the dogs and puppies. You thank the people who were there with you before you went out to go in the car.

Tom decided to be the driver this time. You put on the seatbelt and Tom turned on the engine of the car.

"We are definitely going back there." He said and that made you smile. "That was the best surprise that you did to me yet." He leaned in and pressed his lips to yours. You kissed him back and smiled through your kiss.

You pulled away and said, "And there will be more in the future for as long as I'm with you."

That made him smiled and pulled you in again for another kiss.

"I am so lucky to have you." He whispered while caressing your cheek.

"So am I, Tom. So am I."


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