Cuddles and Kisses | P.P

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suggested by and dedicated to: -paddifoot
lots of fluff for youu ♡


Queens, New York City
Friday, 7:30 pm

Sitting there, you were doing your homework and you were having a hard time answering it because its Math.

"God, I hate Math." You mumbled under your breath while looking at the problem. "Why can't you solve it by your own?" You dropped your head on the table softly and groaned.

After thiry more minutes, you eventually gave up on continuing you homework and looked at the time. It was almost eight in the evening and you had nothing to do. You sighed.

Such a boring night, right now. You said to yourself.

You walked slowlt towards your bed and collapsed yourself. You stayed there until you heard a knock on the window.

You suddenly looked up and saw your boyfriend wearing his Spiderman suit and his bag on his back. He waved at you and signaled you to opened the window. You groaned and got up lazily and opened the window to let him in.

"I was waiting for you so I did the my damn homework." That was the first thing you said when you opened the door.

"Aw, not even a hello kiss for you spidey?" Peter teased and took his mask of revealing his curly brown hair and a smile. You rolled your on him before tip toeing to give a peck on his lips. He closed his eyes and kissed you back, pulling you closer to him. He pulled away and spoke up. "And that's the first time you actually did your homework. I'm shocked."

You gave him a slight punch in his chest and he laughed. "I hate you." You joked.

"No, you love me." Peter corrected and that made you chuckle.

"You came earlier than expected though. You usually come here around ten or midnight." You said.

He shurgged his shoulders and said. "There wasn't really crimes today. Just a bike that was stolen and a cat on a tree."

You pouted for him. "Did either Tony Stark or Happy didn't contact you yet?" You asked. He finally went inside your room and closed the window.

"Nope. Not one single message for a new mission." He answered and laid down on your bed. "And I want one so bad." He whined.

"Aw, poor baby. You'll get one soon." You were about to lay down beside him but he was smelly and sweaty so you sat back up and looked at him. "You are damn smelly and sweaty, Peter! Go shower in my bathroom, right now!"

"Oh, shit. Sorry, babe." He got up fast and quickly went to your bathroom to have a shower.

Luckily, it was Friday and that means he can stay in your apartment for the weekend. Your parents were always out of town every weekend since you don't reallt live here in Queens. You just stayed here because of school.

You chuckled when he went out and got his clothes out from his bag and placed it in your bed. You saw an extra sweater on his bag and got it and wore it. Peter didn't mind you wearing his sweaters because he knows that you love them.

After several more minutes of him being in the shower, he opened the door to your room only to find him with a towel around his waist and his wet hair. You saw him and you felt your cheeks burn. You've seen him like that but you can't always help but blush.

"Like what you see, darling?" Peter joked and that made you throw his clothes to his, hard. "Ow! Why'd you do that?" He whined.

"Go change, you dork." You said giggled.

"But you love this dork." He said and wiggled his eyebrow before closing the door so that he can change.

Of course you love that dork. He's your dork.

He opened the door once again and placed the towel on the hanger so that it will dry. You were laying down in your bed and he laid down beside you. He wrapped his arms around you. You snuggled on to his chest.

"Did you finish your homework?" He asked.

"Of course not. It was Math. I hate it." You groaned and he pulled you even more closer to his body. He loves it when you rant to him about anything. He thought it was cute.

"Want me to help you?"

"Yes but let's do that tomorrow. Right now, I just want to cuddle with you, spideyling." You smiled and you can feel his heartbeat from his chest and you loved the sound.

He lifted your head so that he could fully see your face and gave kissed around your face. You giggled when he did that.

"Stop it!" You said trying to push him away but he just pulled you close.

"Never!" He said and kept kissing you everywhere including your neck which tickles that made you laugh so much.

After that, you decided to watch a movie in the living room and you still cuddled together. Your hand was in his chest and his arm was on your shoulders.

It was mid-way the movie and Peter suddenly looked at you and you looked back at him.

"What?" You said with a smile.

"Nothing. My girlfriend is just so pretty." He complimented you.

"And I've got a handsome boyfriend too." You said and he pressed his lips to yours. You placed a hand on his cheek and kissed him back. He pulled you closer to him. You pulled away from each other and just looked at each other's eyes.

"I love you."

"I love you, my spidey."

You spent the rest of the night and the weekend cuddling in each other's arms and him helping your homework. Well, he actually did your homework and you didn't do anything because you were too lazy. But he still loves you no matter what.

You both are so damn lucky to have each other.


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