4:30 AM | T.H

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You, Tom and Harrison lived together in the same apartment. Luckily, it was big enough for the three of you to live in. Before that, it was still Tom and Harrison. Since you became Tom's girlfriend, he let you stay with him together with his best mate.

Living with them had some perks. Sometimes, both of the boys were messy and lazy so you had to clean the apartment all by yourself. They would often do pranks to each other and sometimes to you too. It felt like you were the mother of those boys. But you'll never regret living with them.

It was already 4:25 in the morning and you were having the best sleep for the week. You just had a stressful week due to work, papers and other stuff. That was until someone decided to wake you up.

"Y/N? Love, wake up." You felt someone shake you to wake up. You groaned and didn't want to open your eyes. Tom continued to poke you until you finally woke up with annoyance.

"What the hell is wrong with you?" You said while rubbing your eyes. When you fully opened your eyes, you saw Tom was dressed up with a sweater and sweatpants on. "Why are you dressed up like that?"

"I'm hungry, love." He pouted. You rolled your eyes to him.

"Why didn't you just wake Harrison up?" You asked him.

"He'll murder me when I wake him up." He said and scratched his neck.

"I would have murdered you too but you're my boyfriend." You got up and sat down on your bed and you looked at the clock to see what time it is. You groaned again when you saw it. "It's still 4:30 in the morning, babe."

"Yeah, I know and I couldn't really sleep so I stayed up while you were sleeping and now I'm hungry." He explained.

"And you're dressed like that because...?"

"I want a drive thru in McDonald's." He said and grinned at you and that made you chuckle.

"You can just go alone. I'm really sleepy." You whined.

"I'm scared." He answered and that made you laugh so hard. "You're Spiderman, babe." You teased and finally stood up to wash your face and got a sweater so that you could go.

Tom got the keys and glared at you.

"Shut it."


It was already almost five in the morning. You decided to stay in the car and eat the food there instead. Both of you sat on the back seat to eat properly. He order so much, but not too much, for the both of you.

Tom happily ate his Big Mac and dipped his fries into the ketchup. You enjoyed watching him eat since he was so cute. When he saw you staring, he gave you a confused look and said, "What?"

You giggled. "Nothing, love. You're just cute."

"I know that." He continued eating like a hungry dog without even talking.

He must have been really really hungry.

You took out your phone and went to Instagram and went on live.

"Hey, guys. It's me again, with my boyfriend." You pointed your selfie camera to Tom. He waved while he was eating his burger.

"Hey, guys!" He happily said while chewing on his food.

"So Tom decided to wake me up early in the freaking morning just to get McDonald's." You told the story on what happened and decided to answer some questions in Twitter, for the fans. And that went on for about thirty minutes.

"So, that's it and we will answer your other questions some other time." You said.

"And make sure you watch the new Spiderman: Far From Home trailer if you haven't seen it yet." Tom added and both of you waved your hands goodbye before ending the live.

"That was fun." You said and giggled when you looked at him. He wrapped his arms around you. You snuggled your head to his neck and you can smell his scent.

"I enjoy doing little things with you, Tom. It's so much fun." You said while cuddling with him. He slowly stroked your hair and that made your eyes heavy.

"Same, love. We should do this again." He said.

"Just don't wake me up early in the morning when it's my work days." You said and that made him chuckled.

You stayed there for a few more minutes, talking about random stuff until you fell asleep in his arms. When he saw you already asleep, he smiled and kissed your forehead. His other arm was still around you and he got his phone on his pocket with his free arm. He posted a picture of you and the food you bought from McDonald's in Instagram.

After he posted, he looked at you again. He heard your soft snores and he thought it was cute. He smiled and said to himself.

Damn, I'm so lucky to have her...



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tomholland2013 i woke her up 4:30 am and we did this. she's the best 💞 @yourusername


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