On Set | T.H

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Tom invited you to go with him on set of Avengers: Infinity War. And of course, you didn't want to say no. You'll be able to meet other celebrities for this movie and maybe talk to them for while.

You've arrived on the set and you and Tom walked together. When the other actors saw Tom, they immediately greeted him.

"Good morning, Tom!" You heard the voice of Robert Downey Jr. When you saw the actors walking towards Tom, you stopped moving. It was your first time seeing a group of famous celebrities together in one movie.

"So, this must be Y/N." You heard Chris Evans said behind Robert and you wanted to faint.

"Y-your Chris Evans." Your voice broke when you saw him walk towards you.

"The one and only." He replied and gave you a smile.

"Tom told us so much about you." Scarlett said to you.

"He couldn't even shut his mouth." You heard the voice of Chris Hemsworth and that made Tom chuckle.

"It's so nice to meet you guys." You said and tried so hard not to fangirl. They were your favorite actors since you love Marvel. "I hope Tom didn't say some embarrassing stuff about me." You added.

"Don't worry, he didn't." Chris Evans said.

"He talks about you like you're perfect." Chris Hemsworth added. You felt your cheeks blush until Tom interrupted.

"Okay! Let's do this shooting." He walked away and you didn't know that he was already blushing from what they've said. The actors chuckled and some of them would talk to you from time to time.


You were sitting down and watched as Tom was doing his part of the film. There were times where he would forget his lines and sometimes would laugh accidentally while doing the scene. That would make you laugh too.

As you were watching, Chris Evans went to sit beside you and watched them doing the scene.

"So, how long have you known Tom?" He asked you.

"Since we were little. We used the be neighbors. Basically we're childhood friends." You answered him.

"Wait, so you guys are just best friends?" Chris asked you and he was confused.

"Yeah, we're just best friends." You answered.

Even though you want more of that.

"The way he talked about you to us was like you were his girlfriend so we thought you were really his girlfriend." He said.

You felt your cheeks starting to burn up. You looked away from Chris so that he wouldn't see your almost tomato face.

It was hard for you to keep your feelings for Tom a secret. Many would tease you and you would feel pressured. But in the end, Tom would say that you were just best friends and sometimes it would hurt you and you were used to it.

You continued watching Tom doing his scene and Chris Evans had to go and do his part. For the rest of the day, you watched all of them doing their part. You didn't even bother that you already knew some of the scenes of the movie.


"Ready to go?" You heard Tom ask you and suddenly placed an arm around your shoulder. Your heart skipped a beat but this didn't bother you since he would do this all the time.

"Yup." You said, emphasizing the letter 'p' in the end.

"I still can't believe you guys aren't together." Robert suddenly appeared and said that. "Tom really wouldn't shut him mouth about you."

"Yet." Tom mouthed to Robert but you didn't see that. Robert nodded at him and you wonder why. You looked at Tom but he just looked at you with a smile.

You said your goodbyes to the actors and actresses. Some even hugged you and you got really happy when they did. You walked towards the exit doors with Tom.

"So, you couldn't stop talking about me then. Am I that precious to you, Tom?" You said and stood in front of Tom, giving you that big smile of yours.

"Of course you are, love. We've known each other for most of out lives." He said but you thought that he still wanted to say something to you.

"Is there something you want to tell me, Tom?" You asked him and tilted your head in a cute way. He chuckled as you did that and looked at you. He grabbed both of your hands and spoke.

"Alright." He coughed first like he was about to give a speech. "Y/N, you are the most important and precious girl that I've ever met."

You smiled and said, "Of course I am."

He laughed for a bit and continued, "And I can't but feel something for you. And not just as best friends but more than that."

You blinked and felt your heart raise. "What do you mean?"

Tom sighed and finally let it out. "I love you, Y/N. I love you for who you are and not just as my best friend."

You couldn't speak even though you wanted to. You couldn't believe what he just told you. Your  best friend for almost whole of your life just confessed to you. Your best friend and first crush.

"I didn't want to say anything because I didn't want to lose you or anything." He said. "Y/N, do you feel that way too?"

You already felt tears coming from your eyes. Happy tears. You smiled at him and gave him the answer.

"Yes, Tom. I do love you too."

Tom sighed in relief and chuckled. He smiled at you. "Yes!" He shouted and raised his arms up like he just won an award or something. You giggled because of how happy he is. You pulled you into a hug and he snuggled his head to your neck.

He pulled away from the hug and looked at you deeply in the eyes. He started to lean forward and you closed your eyes when you felt his lips touch yours. Your lips moved in sync and Tom felt your smile while kissing. Both of you pulled away to catch your breaths. You heard clapping coming from the actors and actresses.

"Finally!" Robert said while he was clapping for the both of you.

"Tom finally found his MJ." Scarlett said while she was smiling.

"So, I'm your MJ?" You asked and grinned to him as you were still looking at him.

"Oh, you're way better than MJ, love." He whispered to you pulled in for another kiss.


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