Jealousy | T.H

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You were at a party that Tom was invited and you were having the time of your life. You also invited Y/F/N since Tom also brought Harrison with him.

 You also invited Y/F/N since Tom also brought Harrison with him

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Tom clenched on to his soda drink as he was looking at you. You and your friends were dancing with guy strangers but you didn't care. You just wanted to have fun after all the stress you had.

Tom continued to glare at you with his dark eyes. He knew he wasn't suppose to feel this way towards you but he just couldn't bare to see you with other guys other than him and Harrison.

"You alright there, mate?" Tom's thoughts disappeared when he heard Harrison and sat beside him.

Tom didn't answer but continued to stare at you. Harrison looked at where Tom was staring and he figured it out.

"You know." Harrison started and opened the soda. "You should've told her."

"Tell her what?" Tom asked.

"Your feelings." Harrison answered and took a sip.

"As if she's gonna give it back. Look at her." Tom said pointing at you who is already dancing and flirting with a guy. "That bloody guy has been drooling all over her and she likes it!"

Harrison just chuckled. He never understood why you guys aren't together. You practically can't get away with each other. "You are bloody jealous, mate."

Tom looked at him with a glare. "Am not." He denied and took a sip on his soda.

"You really are. Stop denying it. It's obvious." Harrison said. Tom just shrugged it off and continued to look at you and felt his blood boil.

Your hands were already around the guy who was dancing with you. You didn't know if it was the alcohol or you just really want to have fun. The guy then went near your ear and whispered.

"You want to go somewhere with me?" You felt chills in your spine but you still didn't want to leave the place.

"I just want to stay here and have more fun with my friends." You said but the guy held your arms forcefully and Tom was witnessing this. He finished his drink and placed it down. He quickly stood up and walked towards you with his mad face.

"Where you going, mate?" Harrison asked while still sitting but Tom didn't get to answer as he was already heading towards the dance floor.

"Let go of me." You tried to pull your arm away from the stranger but he placed more force into it.

"You heard her." You heard a familiar voice behind you. You stopped struggling and look at your back to see who it was.


"Who are you?" The guy growled and he loosened his grip.

"It doesn't matter. Let. Her. Go." Tom growled back and the guy suddenly pushed you towards Tom and luckily, he caught you into his arms.

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