Dating Tom Holland | T.H

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dating the one and only tom holland would include:

• before dating, he would be the one to court you for a very long time until you finally said yes to him

• you would be the first person to know that he will be playing Spider-man

"Y/N, I'm Spiderman!"

"You're what?!"

• he would always bring you to his interviews along with Tessa

• he would also always bring you to his movie premiere

• you get to hang out with his best mates, Harrison Osterfield and Jacob Batalon along with his Spider-man cast like Zendaya

• he would protect you from the paparazzi when they get too annoying already

• you would always snap videos of him and post it on your Instagram story

• you would go on live with him in Instagram

• would probably be the one to teach him how to use his social medias properly, especially Instagram

• more and more kisses and lots and lots cuddles from him

• would argue on who Tessa loves the most

• you would be Nikki's, his mother, daughter she never had

• when you visit his house, Paddy would always be with you and Tom would tell him to not steal his girl

"Pads, that's my girl."

"She's mine now."

• constantly having prank wars with him and his siblings and Harrison then Nikki would scold all of you

"Stop these nonsense you idiots!"

"Sorry, mum."


• you get to travel the world with him

• when you start to make out but then Tessa keeps interrupting you two by barking

• scaring him with spiders is the best

• he would always try his best to get you food when your hungry even if it's already midnight

• he would call you those endearment nicknames like love and darling

• most of all, even with his busy schedule, he would still love you no matter what and he will always find time for the both of you


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