⇝ surprise | holland

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imagine this...

imagine this

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"So, guys. I'm gonna surprise Y/N in her apartment and I want you guys to see her reaction. I am currently in London because she lives there and I'll go live when I reach there." Tom ended the video and posted it on his Instagram story. He knew that you were still asleep at this time.

You and Tom were together for how many months but Tom had to go shooting. You both missed each other and Tom really wants to see you already. That's why he is doing this.

Tom made his way to your apartment building and went up to look for your room number. As soon as he reached the door, he opened his phone and went on live.

"Okay. I'm here outside her apartment and I'm just going to knock on her door so that she open it." Tom whispered. He knocked the door several times so that you would open it. He knew that you get annoyed by knocking the door a lot.

"It's seven in the morning!" He can hear you getting annoyed and he faced his phone and chuckled. Once the door was opened, Y/N could not believe her eyes.

"What the f-- Tom?!" You exclaimed and suddenly gave him a tight hug that almost made him and his phone fall. He still gave you a hug in return and kisses in your forehead.

"You didn't tell me you're here!" You said and slightly punched his chest. "Surprise." He said.

You noticed he was holding his phone up and saw that he was on live. "This is embarrassing." You said and covered your face.

"I just want to show the world that I love you." He said and you felt yourself blush.

You spent the day with your boyfriend, just in each other's arms.

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