⇝ doritos | holland

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imagine this...

imagine this

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You walked in to your living room and saw your boyfriend sitting down there with his eyes on the TV. You heard him munched on some chips and you looked at his hands.

It was your precious doritos.

"Tom, is that my doritos?" You asked him. He looked at you slowly.

"Oh, uh this?" He looked at the chips and then looked at you again. "No?"

"Did you get it from the container where is said 'do not steal, property of Y/N' ?" You said and walked towards him with your arms crossed on your chest.

"There was?" He asked as if he didn't know anything but he failed. "You're gonna attack me, won't you?"

You gave him a smirked and suddenly attacked him and tickled his sides. The chips almost flew everywhere and luckily he placed it down first.

"Okay! Okay! Stop!" He couldn't contain his laugh as you continued tickling him. His sides and his neck are the weakest spot.
"I did it! I was hungry!" He pouted and you stopped with the torture.

"Aw, why didn't you say so?" You said and sat beside him and got the bag of doritos on where he placed it and smiled.

You heard Tom chuckled, still trying to recover from what happened. "You are unbelievable."

"I know."


VALENTINE ↬ t. hollandWhere stories live. Discover now