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Jimin smiled widely as he saw his best friend running at full speed towards him, arms wide open for a hug.

"Hey Taetae" Jimin sighed happily as the other pulled him into a tight hug
"I missed you."

"I missed you too Jiminie." Taehyung replied, pulling back from the hug with a smile.

"Why did you have to leave? You know it's boring without you and Hoseok hyung around." Taehyung whined. "Speaking of Hoseok hyung, where is he?"

"He's sick Taehyung." Jimin lied."Just a mild fever nothing to worry about."

"You're lying aren't you? I can see that you know. Why do you both go on these missions only to come back injured?"

"Because, Taehyung, we work for your father and despite the fact that we are your best friends we have to follow orders." Jimin replied. "I'm sorry but we can't stop going for missions especially because we are his best hitmen."

"What happened this time?" he asked reluctantly, knowing the answer before Jimin speaks.

"Jeon." The elder sneered. "Jeon Jungkook happened."


Taehyung was ten when his mother was murdered in front of his eyes. He cried and screamed for someone to help them but his father arrived too late to save his mother.

He had developed insomnia since then. The only way he could sleep was by hugging or cuddling someone like he used to cuddle with his mother.

His father was extra careful from then on. He could not bare to loose his beloved son too, and hence Taehyung spent almost all of his life in his house or flanked by guards otherwise.

Taehyung was 13 when he met his two best friends-Jimin, who was 14 and Hoseok, who was 15.

They spend all their time together, playing,trying to escape being home schooled and training. (ofcourse they are training. They're part of a mafia gang.)

Jimin's father passed away in a rogue attack when he was 19 and he soon took over his father's duty as hitman in Mr Kim's gang.
Hoseok also joined the gang soon. Both being very skilled, became a permanent part of the gang.

However Taehyung was more talented than both of them and his skills with any weapon was awe inspiring.  But he refused to kill without a good enough reason and didn't like to join his father's gang.

Mr Kim accepted his son's decision and did not persuade him to join the gang but he still recieved all kinds of training so that if he changed his mind someday he could take his father's place as the head.

Taehyung's father knew his son was more than capable of protecting himself but he did not want his rival gangs to be aware of how strong his son actually is. The more weak they considered him, the higher the chances they would undermine his strength, promising him the advantage of a surprise element.

But when Taehyung was twenty something happened that drew the attention of all the mafia gangs in Korea.
One rival gang had managed to infiltrate his father's premises. When Taehyung entered his father's office he saw three rogues pointing guns at his father while both his best friends were tied to a pole and kept at gunpoint.

No one was ready for what happened next. Mr Kim's eyes widened, watching his son aim and fire at the three men who stood facing him. Taehyung's aim was impeccable. His eyes glinted deviously as he glared at the last rogue alive.

"No one touches my family." Taehyung's voice was cold and unnerving. Not a second passed before a bullet went straight through the rogues forehead.

The rest of the day was a blur, mostly because after untying his friends and ensuring his fathers safety, the brunette single-handedly made sure that the entire rival gang was killed.

His father and friends stood astonished as Taehyung stood in front of them, covered in blood and eerily enough, smiling devilishly after his little murder spree.


I have no effing idea what I'm writing.

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