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"So we're actually letting Suho do this?"

"Seriously Jimin you're rethinking this now? After we convinced Mr. 'I'm not even his boyfriend but I'm not going to agree to you all allowing him to go through this cuz I'm protective af'?" Hoseok questions.

"Watch it." Jungkook growls.

"Oh please." Hoseok jokes. "You wouldn't hurt my ethereal self"

"Jin? You're spreading your disease" Yoongi points out.

"What disease? I have no disease. Perfection isn't subject to any kind of illness." Jin says sassily.

"That disease." Yoongi whispers under his breath.

"I'm sorry did you say something grandpa?"

"I'm done with this." Suho says in his usual bored tone.

It goes without saying that no one paid attention as they all bickered endlessly.

"Well fuck this I'm leaving" Suho groaned under his breath.

Taehyung watched everyone bickering with a puzzled expression.

"Umm guys? What in hell is happening?" Taehyung asked, confused.

How did I even get here? V? Did you do this? Why can't I remember....



Ok am I hallucinating or is there a third voice in my head?

Who in fucking hell is this?




What do you mean oh? This can't be fucking happening. V stop playing mind games with me.

Taehyung it isn't me I swear.

Then who is it.

//I'm Suho. I'm your second alter. And I'm here because you're ready to face the truth, Tae//

I don't have a second alter.

You do Tae.

//You do.//

What do you know that I don't? V?

//Let me show you.//

"But mommy is screaming."

Mommy is simply trying to scare Tae. Don't open the door okay?

"But I want to see!" Taehyung said stubbornly before wrenching open the cupboard door.

The boy silently peaked through the crevice of the slightly ajar door to spot his mother kneeling on the floor, clutching her hand over her stomach. Her clothes were drenched in dark crimson, her face twisted in pain as she glared at the man that stood before her.


Hush Tae.


Daddy's here isn't he? He'll help mommy so don't you scream and scare them okay?

"O-Okay. B-But I'm scared." The little one whispered.

I know sweetie, let me help you.

"You'll help me?"

Trust me.

MY FATHER'S RIVAL (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now