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"I will fight on your side."

Hoseok let out a breath he didn't know he was holding while Jimin mumbled a 'thank goodness. I thought I would have to side with Daehyun'

Jungkook smiled, surprised yet very happy Taehyung chose him over Daehyun.

"But" Taehyung began,

'Uggh great.' Jungkook thought.

"I can't let you kill him. He is my father. He is the only parent I have left and I love him."

The ravenette stood up and left the room abruptly.

Taehyung gave an annoyed sigh before he followed him out.
Jimin groaned in frustration as his best friend left.

The tense atmosphere in the room was almost choking them, no one speaking a word because they knew one wrong word would mean a fight.

"Your leader is such an ass. How can he just expect Taehyung to just give up his father?" Jimin growled angrily, having had enough of the silence.

"And how can you just expect him to just give up on avenging his father?" Jin snapped back, his face furious.

"That is in the fucking past! Forgiveness is a thing you know?" Jimin mocked.

"You know nothing about the bloody past!" Jin shouted.

"Jin. No." Namjoon warned.

"No. It's fine. They should know." Yoongi cut off Namjoon as their boyfriends continued to glare daggers at each other.

"Know what?" Hoseok questioned.

" should probably bring Yugyeom for this. He should be here too"
Jungkook slammed the door to his room, his hands shivering with anger as he grabbed the cup on the table and smashed it against the wall.

What had he expected? Why would Taehyung choose him over his own father? It was wrong. Wrong to fall for Taehyung even when he knew he wouldn't be able to stop until he murdered his father. Wrong to hope the silverette would choose him over his family. Wrong to wish Taehyung would stay by him and support him despite his thirst for revenge.

Taehyung gently pried open the door Jungkook had slammed shut.

"You can't just do that okay? What do you even expect me to do? Help murder my father?! Well surprise! Not gonna happen."

"Kim just leave."

"Seriously? Kim? So what you're just going to act like a big baby right now?"

"Please just leave. "

"No. I need you to stop this okay? Whatever my father did, it's in the past. You can't bring back your father. So stop this."

"You can't seriously expect me to- He killed my father Taehyung. He shot him, while I watched. I was only twelve! I was young and so, so afraid. And your father knew. He knew his so called so called best friend and fucking best hitman had a son. A son who his men restrained while he screamed and kicked and cried for help. A child who begged for him to spare his father. Yet your father still didn't blink an eye before he shot him."

Tears pricked the ravenette's eyes yet he refused to cry. Refused to break down. Refused to be that weak and helpless twelve year old he was when his father died.

The silverette couldn't deny the pang of guilt he felt. The pain that constricted his heart when he saw the tear filled eyes of the elder who was trying hard not to cry.

MY FATHER'S RIVAL (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now