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"Hobi hyung how c-"

"Taehyung I'm sorry I didn't bring you back here with us. But it will never have worked out anyway. Your father isn't stupid. Jimin couldn't have escaped without any kind of outside help. Naturally we three would be suspected. Now that you are not here, your father will assume that you were the one who helped him out. We can act like we tried to stop you but failed. I and Yugyeom can stay here and gather information. We can warn you if your father decides to do something. So stop nagging me okay?"

Taehyung just stopped for a moment, dumbstruck, before he regained his senses. Hoseok was right. This really was the best move.

"You're forgetting about the cameras all over the mansion."

"And you're forgetting about the fact that Yugyeom's the best hacker we have."

Taehyung sighed softly as he relaxed his grip on the phone.
"Jungkook told me you agreed to help him kill my dad. It wasn't that hard to realise he was lying."

"Y-Yeah he probably just wanted you to stop shouting at him."


"You were extremely pissed at me for leaving. I can imagine how angry you were at him" Hoseok said as he chuckled softly.

"True." Taehyung agreed.

"Daehyun is here. I'll call you if there is any problem. Bye Tae" Hoseok's voice was rushed as he ended the call.

Taehyung closed his eyes softly as he sat down on the bed of the rather huge guest room in Jungkook's mansion.


"He agreed to help me kill your father."

Taehyung was frozen for a second before he regained his composure.
"Yeah right. Screw you Jeon. LET ME OUT YOU FUCKERS!!" Taehyung screamed, banging on the door of the ravenette's office.

However, he was shocked when the door was opened by a rather irrate looking Yoongi.

"Jimin just woke up. He wants to see you. And it would be nice if you stopped screaming like a brat. It's giving me a headache."
Yoongi stated blandly before walking out the room. Taehyung shot one last angry glare at Jungkook before following suit.

Taehyung trailed behind Yoongi until he stopped at a door and turned to him.
"He's inside. Now I know you're frustrated, but if you raise your voice at him even once, you're done for."

Yoongi's words were light but Taehyung could see that he really, really meant what he said. He nodded lightly before entering the room.

"Jiminie?" He called softly as he saw his friend sitting up on the bed.

The room itself was really a sight to behold. Almost like a miniature hospital room. The walls were painted a dim yet exquisite white. The windows were opened wide, letting in a brilliant yellow haze. The wooden furniture added a greater serenity to the room that was adorned with paintings and other decorations.

"Tae" Jimin smiled at his friend as he waved him over to the bed.

"How are you?"

"Except for a kinda annoying sting on the bruises? I'm okay. Yoongi's just being fussy. He won't let me leave the room until I'm 'completely' okay."

"I can understand though. You really don't take care of yourself properly. It's good that he fusses over you sometimes."

"Oh hush you."

Taehyung chuckled softly as he saw his friend pout.

Jimin's expression turned serious, "So when are we leaving?"

MY FATHER'S RIVAL (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now