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So are you going to help me with this or-

Hell no! Screw you Tae!

V,  look I'm sorry but I have to do this. You will join dad the moment you see him and turn against Jungkook and the others.

That is how it is supposed to be Taehyung! He is your father. How can you place your trust in a random fuckface you met like- 3 months back, and choose him over your own father?

V just li-

Shut it. I won't support you in this and that's that. How can you eve-

Taehyung groaned in annoyance as his stubborn alter continued to growl profanities in his head. This is why he had asked Jin for help. V only cared for three people- Taehyung, Daehyun and Ji-

If you're planning to fight on dad's side, you should know that he's planning to take out Jimin.

Change of plans. We'll try for a compromise with Daehyun.

No. We have to fight on Jungkook's side. We can't attempt a compromise,  father would never agree. He would kill Jung-

I don't give a fuck about Jungkook.

See this is why I'm getting Jin's help.

Look, you can't do this okay? I helped you through all your hard times. I was there for you when no one else can't just- You still need me Taehyung. I wouldn't be here otherwise

I'm not going to- I'm scared okay? I'm- I'm not getting cured. I need you. I know that. I know I can't fucking do anything without your help. I know I'm hopeless but-

Tae. Calm down, please.

The change in V's tone was immediate. Sure he bullied Taehyung to get control. Sure he hurt him sometimes. But Taehyung was still the most important person to him and there was no way he was not supporting him when he really needed it.

I just...I need to talk to someone okay? I need to face my can't always protect me. Please just- cooperate with Jin? Please..



Taehyung sat on the chair in Jin's infirmary.


"As ready as I'll ever be.."

"Okay Taehyung, I want you to tell me what exactly happened the day your mom was murdered."

"Mom and I were playing in her room. She suddenly got a phone call. She panicked during the call and seemed really jumpy after that. She kept on telling me that she needed to go somewhere for a long time and she started crying saying I would have no one left if she was gone. Back then I didn't know she meant she was going to die so I told her that I would be okay because I would have dad. But she kept sobbing. After a while, loud sounds were heard and someone was banging on the door-

"Hide" the woman whispered. "Just go..hide somewhere in the room and don't come out okay love?"

The brunette simply stood in place, confused by his mother's actions, not wanting to leave her when he was scared like this.

The woman gently gripped her son's arm.

"Sweetie...please listen to me. I need you to go hide in that cupboard. And stay there no matter what happens okay?"

MY FATHER'S RIVAL (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now