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Summary of the second chapter for those who did not read the angst part
So what basically happened is Jungkook was angry at Taehyung for causing all that trouble while he was way and he punished Taehyung by whipping him with a belt.
(Well that was awkward af)

Jungkook POV

An ear splitting scream jerked me out of my sleep.

I moved about on my bed, groaning and looked at the boy on the floor who was twisting and turning while tears ran down his cheeks.

What the fuck is wrong with him now??

Whatever I'll just go back to sleep.

"NO PLEASE NOT MY MOTHER. Please!!"Taehyung screamed as he gripped his hair and pulled in frustration. "Help!! Anyone please.NO MOM!! DAD HELP!!"

Okay this is starting to get annoying.

I slipped out of bed and went towards him. His breathing was very shallow and he was shaking. Is he having a panic attack?

I felt a tinge of guilt clawing at my heart. Was I the reason he was like this? But why the fuck is he talking of his mother then?

Maybe I should help him. Not because I'm turning soft or anything but because he's annoying.
(Cough*Yeah Right*Cough)

I gently kneeled down and shook him trying to awaken him. I was taken by surprise when he kicked me very harshly in the stomach and I fell back groaning from the pain.

"What the fuck are you doing?" He asked, now wide awake.

"What th- You fucker I was trying to get you out of your little panic attack so that I could sleep in peace." I retorted angrily.

He was shocked for a second before he responded.

"I don't need your help asshole." He said before he turned and went right back to sleep.

How dare that s- I'm tired I'll deal with him in the morning.



Jungkook woke up and left early in the morning for some work.
I had already woken up but he pretended to be asleep until Jungkook left.

After he had gone out of the room I got up and tried the door, knowing well that it would be locked. But I was surprised to find it open.

Maybe Jungkook forgot in a hurry.

I carefully stepped out, ready to escape when a silver haired male stepped in front of me. My reflexes kicked in and next thing I knew the male was pinned to the floor, one hand on his collar and the other ready for a punch.

But I stopped in my tracks when I recognised him.

"Yoongi??" I loosened my grip.

He looked at me as bored as ever.

"Hello to you too Taehyung. Didn't expect such a warm greeting when Jungkook said you were a handful."

What the fuck is Jimin's boyfriend doing here??

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