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Jimin jumped out of the car and raced towards the mansion.

"Jimin? What the fu- Jimin?!" Someone called from behind.

Jimin turned around, pointing his gun at the blonde that stood before him. The ravenette glared at him, his eyes wild with worry.

"Where in the bloody hell is Taehyung?" He growled.

A revolver was pressed firmly into the back of his neck.

"Jimin. Calm the fuck down and put the gun away." Namjoon said forcefully as he lightly nudged the other with the gun.

Jimin slowly lowered the gun and Jin relaxed, smiling at his boyfriend. Namjoon smiled back softly before lowering his revolver from Jimin's neck as well.

"Now that we have that cleared up." Jin began as Jimin glared daggers at them. "What were you saying about Taehyung exactly?"


"What is he doing here?" Jackson growled as he stood up with his gun at the ready. The rest of the members in the room stood behind him in a similar stance.

"The more important question would be WHERE THE FUCK IS TAEHYUNG?"

"Kim Taehyung?" Bogum questioned.

"Do you know some other Taehyung dumbass?" Jimin seethed.

"This isn't your gang, shorty. Watch your mouth." Jackson warned

"Or what?"

"Jimin" Jin pressed.

Jackson straightened his posture and pointed his gun at Jimin.

"Jackson stop it." Namjoon said firmly.

"Why the fuck are you supporting him? He's from the rival gang"

"Because they know better. Control yourself kid." Yoongi said, his voice bored yet authoritative as he walked down the stairs.

Jackson flinched slightly before he bowed in acknowledgement.

Yoongi walked up to Jimin and pulled him into a short but sweet kiss. The rest of the members of the gang except Namjoon and Jin stood frozen with shock.

Yoongi pulled back and smiled fondly at the ravenette before him who was blushing furiously.

"And also because he's my boyfriend."

Jackson coughed awkwardly and looked away.

Jimin on the other hand was frustrated that Yoongi had revealed this in front of so many members of the Bangtan gang. What if Daehyun was tipped off by one if them?

As if he read his mind, Yoongi spoke up.

"Don't worry. You can trust them all. We're like family here. We'd sooner die than break that trust."

Jimin glanced uncertainly at Jackson.

"I'm sorry for being an ass. I was worried Daehyun sent you here." Jackson said apologetically as the rest of the members smiled at the ravenette.

Jimin relented.
"I'm sorry too. I was just worried about Tae- WHERE THE FLIPPING FUCK IS TAEHYUNG?!"


Jimin threw open the door to Jungkook's room. His eyes landed on his friend who was sleeping comfortably in the warm embrace of none other than Jeon Jungkook. He couldn't help the jealousy that he felt. Taehyung always cuddled with Jimin if he was upset. He refused to even cuddle Hoseok or Yugyeom. What was so special about Jungkook anyway?

Jimin began to walk closer to the two. It didn't take a genius to realise he was about to strangle Jungkook. Or Taehyung. Or both.

"Oh no you don't. That little pest owes us an explanation. Allow me." Jin said as walked forward and pushed Jungkook right off the bed.

Taehyung jolted awake when Jungkook was thrown down and froze at the sight of a glaring Jimin and Jin.
Jungkook groaned loudly as he sat up straight and got back up on the bed.

"What the fuck? Can't I eve- What are you guys doing here?" Jungkook said dazed.

"WHAT ARE WE DOING HERE?! WHAT IN FUCKING HELL IS TAEHYUNG DOING HERE?" Jimin and Jin shouted in unison. Yoongi and Namjoon sighed in defeat as they silently watched their fuming boyfriends.

Needless to say neither Taehyung nor Jungkook felt even a tiny bit drowsy anymore.

"Yeah, right, about that.."


"He was crying a lot and I didn't feel like leaving him alone so I brought him here." Jungkook finished.

Jimin, Jin, Namjoon and Yoongi, all sat on the couch in Jungkook's room while Taehyung and Jungkook sat on the bed.

"And you ended up cuddling just like that?" Jimin questioned with a frown. Something was off.

Jungkook kept side-glancing at Taehyung who gave a soft nod.

"Well originally only Taehyung was sleeping. But then he started screaming a lot and crying in his sleep so.." Jungkook trailed off.

Jimin turned to his friend, his anger long forgotten.

"Tae what happened?" He asked softly.

"I'll explain. But before that, you guys need to know something."

Everyone looked at Taehyung, confused.
Jimin glanced uncertainly at Taehyung. "Are you sure about this?"

"Yes" he said firmly.

"What is it?" Jungkook asked as his eyes narrowed at the nervous expression on the brunette's face. He moved closer to Taehyung on the bed as he gently placed a hand on his. Jimin's expression shifted into one of annoyance but he reminded himself that the other meant no harm.

"I have insomnia"

"Oh." Jungkook said." Well I kind of guessed that you know. I mean-"

"And DID." (Dissosiative identity disorder. I did not accidentally spell 'did' in all caps.)

How's the chapter?  I know it's kinda boring but it is crucial to the story.

Also, please comment on any mistakes as usual so I can correct them!

How was your day? Hope it went well.

Thanks for reading!

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