16.6K 717 203

Caught in a lie. Find me who was innocent.
Because sinners never sleep.
Jungkook quietly raised the syringe in his hand, holding up the sedative as he looked down at the boy who was sobbing into his chest.

"I'm sorry" he whispered before he brought the syringe down to the younger's neck.

The ravenette was caught offguard when he was pushed back roughly. He had little time to gather his thoughts before he was slammed against the wall.

"Just because I don't use my strength on you.." Taehyung whispered next to Jungkook's ear.

Jungkook struggled against the others grip, trying to wrench free but Taehyung held him against the wall despite his attempts.

He looked mildly surprised at the actions of the silver-haired male in front of him. It took him only a moment to realise the change in the other's features.

"V" Jungkook said, annoyed, as he stared into the hazel brown eyes of his assaulter.

"Nice of you to notice." Taehyung said in a falsely cheerful voice as he smiled sarcastically.

"When did you become this stro-"

"I was always strong. It's just that the last time you had me pinned against a wall, Taehyung was holding me back. This time...well this time he's pissed at you too"

Jungkook was harshly pulled forward and slammed back into the wall once again. The ravenette flinched and groaned in pain.

"Now, you are going to tell me, exactly why you tried to sedate Taehyung. Or I-" The handsome silverette(silverette is not an actual word. But imma make it a word for now lol) whispered as he pulled out his gun. "Am gonna put a bullet through your head."

Jungkook smirked maliciously as he stared down the male before him
"Am I supposed to be scared?"

"No. Actually you're supposed to have started talking by now but you seem to be a really stubborn little bitch so lemme put it this way.."

V! NO!
The loud ring of a gunshot was heard and Jungkook let out a painful grunt as he fell to the ground, hugging his injured knee.

"Hmm..why is this awfully familiar. Oh wait. Taehyung put a bullet through your leg the last time you kidnapped him.." Taehyung mocked.

(Guys please don't get confused because I'm referring to him as Taehyung and not V. V is still in control but he is the alter. Taehyung is the original identity so I'll refer to him as Taehyung although other characters in the story, like Jungkook, will refer to him as V when V is in control. I hope you guys got what I meant lol :)

"Fuck you." Jungkook spat as he tried to stench the flow of blood from his leg.

Jungkook groaned in agony as Taehyung leaned down and pressed a finger against his fresh wound.

V. Please stop. Don't hurt him.

"Aww..not fighting back? Come on Jungkook. Won't you atleast push me away?"

Jungkook clenched his jaw tightly, trying to control his rage by reminding himself that if he hurt V, it meant he would hurt Taehyung too.

A harsh slap was give to the ravenette's face.

"V stop it or I'll be forced to hurt you."

Taehyung smirked devilishly, pressing down harder on the wound. Jungkook winced in pain but did not react otherwise.

"I'm a Mafia head. I've had far worse."

V stop please.

"Have I mentioned how happy I am that my father killed yours?"

"V" Jungkook warned.

"I mean if you are this much of an insufferable bitch, your father surely would've been worse. Did you see it happening?" Taehyung taunted. "Did you see your precious father begging for his pathetic life before Daehyun pulled the trigger?"

The ravenette pushed the younger back and stood up, flinching slightly at the sting from the bleeding gash. Yet he payed no heed to his injury.

Taehyung was dragged off of the floor and his throat was caught in a rough grip. The younger struggled against the hand as he tried to push the other away with his hands.

"Such a painful way to die. Wouldn't you say?" Jungkook whispered in Taehyung's ear.



"I'm s-sorry. Jung--please" Taehyung choked.

"Shut up" Jungkook growled lowly.

"J-Jungkook it's T-Taehy-"

Jungkook's grip loosened and he looked carefully at the latter's eyes as he coughed and spluttered for air.

"Taehyung? Taehyung I'm so sorry I didn't-- V, he-- I'm- Tae-oh god. I'm sorry."

"I don't want your apology Jungkook" Taehyung spat while gasping for air. Despite his anger towards the Mafia head, his tone became softer the moment Jungkook's face fell."He does this a lot. This isn't the first time I'm getting hurt because V got carried away with 'protecting' me. Is your leg okay?"

"Its fine. Not that bad, the cut isn't that deep."

Taehyung huffed, taking out a small tweezer from his pocket. Jungkook raised his eyebrows in a questioning manner.

"Jimin and Hobi hyung get injured quite a lot during their missions. I help them tend to their wounds occasionally." Taehyung said nonchalantly.

Jungkook watched silently as Taehyung moved to sit next to him.

"This will only take a second but it's gonna hurt like a bitch." He stated, gently wrapping one arm around Jungkook's knees and inspecting the wound. "Ready?"

Jungkook nodded.

The elder winced in pain as he felt the searing sting when the metal touched his wound.
"Its almost done." Taehyung assured.

And just like that, the tweezer was out and a metallic ball clanged to the floor. Taehyung took a small handkerchief from his pocket, quietly wrapping the cloth around the wound while Jungkook watched him work.

"Tae I'm sorry" He whispered when the other was done.

"Why? Why did you do it?"

"I was planning to take you to my place for a while."

"And by take me to your place you mean sedate and kidnap me." Jungkook sat silently with a guilty expression.

"Please, do continue." Taehyung urged mockingly.

"So that we could kill your father while you were there. That way you wouldn't hurt yourself trying to protect him. And I figured you would forgive me if the deed was already done- even if it would take you a long time." Jungkook said, with his head lowered in shame.

"You're wrong." The younger said with eyes full of disgust. "I would never forgive you. I will never forgive you."

"Are you sure that it was Jimin who you saw?" The cold voice rang through the room.

"Yes sir. I saw Jimin with Min Yoongi at a cafe in the valley."


Extra dramatic chapter cuz I'm really sorry for leaving you guys for two weeks without any explanation. I had no internet access to publish anything :(

How was the chapter? Hope you liked it!

Ignore the quote at the beginnng lol. I just liked it so I simply wrote it down.

Please comment on any mistakes as usual.

Have a great day :)


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