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Jungkook took an uncertain step towards the crying brunette, afraid of how he will react. Taehyung let out yet another heart wrenching sob as his legs trembled weakly, unable to support his weight.

Oh fuck this!
Jungkook thought as he moved closer, wrapping his arms around the younger just as he was about to collapse. Taehyung tensed at the touch yet leaned back into the awaiting warmth needing something, anything, to comfort him.

"Taehyung" Jungkook called softly, letting the other know who he was. Taehyung showed no indication of pulling away. Instead the younger relaxed as he leaned further against the ravenette.

They stood like that for a while, painful sobs wracking through the brunette as he murmured incoherent words that the other quickly recognised were pleas for forgiveness. Jungkook tightened his grip around the boy as he whispered sweet nothings into his ear, trying to get him to calm down.

Taehyung's cries slowly quietened down to small whimpers and he finally gained the strength to turn around to face the person who had helped him.

"Jungkook.." Taehyung called with a broken voice as he held onto Jungkook's arms to balance himself.

"I know." Jungkook whispered simply, wrapping his arms around the younger's waist, pulling him closer making him softly collide with his chest as he broke down once again, burying his face in the ravenette's neck." I know, love. It's okay."


"Where is he?" Kim Daehyun's voice rung through the silence. Hoseok and Yugyeom flinched at the harsh tone. They looked at each other, contemplating their next move.

Lying. That's the only option they had right now. And that's what they'll do. For now.

"He's probably with Jimin." Hoseok said.

"Probably?" He began, his voice ringing with authority.

"He's with Jimin. They left together." Yugyeom stated confidently.

"Call him."


"Call Jimin."


Jimin frowned as his phone rang again. He's on a fucking date for heaven's sake!

His eyes narrowed at the caller ID

Hobi hyung

"I gotta take this." He said.
Yoongi groaned but complied.

"What?" He hissed through the phone,

"Jimin Taehyung's with you right?"

"What the- No"

"Jimin. I think you didn't hear me properly. Taehyung's with you right?"
The forced cheerfulness in Hoseok's voice alarmed him. Something happened.

"Why isn't he replying?" The muffled voice of Kim Daehyun caught his attention. Jimin racked his mind for the most possible scenario. His thoughts zeroed in on the one possible explanation. Taehyung is gone and Daehyun found out.

"Yes he's with me. Why?" Jimin replied.

Hoseok let out a small sigh of relief.
"Oh nothing just wanted to clarify. Bye Jiminie."

The line went dead and Jimin's face fell.

"What's wrong?" Yoongi questioned.

"Tae's missing."


"Atleast that's what I deduced from Hoseok's rambling."

"I thought he wasn't allowed to leave the house without someone? "

"He isn't. But he's Taehyung. Stubborn and rebellious."

Jimin's phone began to ring yet again.
"Hoseok hyung?"

"Taehyung'smissingandIhavenoideawhattodoDaehyunwasquestiningusandIhadnochoicebuttocallyouthankgoodnessyoudidn'tmessupIcouldn'ttellhimwhereyouwereeithersoIliedandtoldyoubothwentshoppingtogether." Jhope's worried voice answered in one breath.

"Okay. Now say that again but slower."

Yoongi let out an annoyed grunt as he drove back to their gang's mansion. After the phone call with Hoseok, Jimin had quickly explained the situation to him, his eyes panicked and wild. Yoongi had tried to calm him but to no avail.

The other wouldn't even breath properly, let alone talk. Jimin kept on spouting nonsense about Taehyung's father putting a hole through his head for dating someone from a rival gang and losing Taehyung.

Yoongi had hastily suggested going with him to search for Taehyung but Jimin was persistent on the opinion that the mint-green haired man wouldn't be of much help and that if someone saw them together they could be in trouble. Ten minutes after their mini fight regarding the topic, Hoseok and Yugyeom arrived to pick up the younger.

It wasn't exactly pleasant to see his boyfriend's worried eyes, knowing he was trying to stay strong until they found Taehyung. Jimin left with a chaste kiss to his cheek and an "I'll call you after we find him."

That was the reason why he was currently driving at a not-so-legal speed to their mansion to get help from Jin, Namjoon and (if he was cooperative) Jungkook.

He jumped out of the car and slammed the door shut before barging into the mansion at full speed.

A few of their gang's members were on the couch in the living room. Everyone turned their head to see Yoongi in the doorway.

"Where's Jin and Namjoon?"

"They went somewhere a while ago. Why?" One of the men on the couch, Bogum,spoke up.

"Fuck my life" Yoongi groaned.

"Woah. What's got your panties in a twist?" Jackson piped up from Bogum's left.

"Shut up kid." Yoongi huffed."Where's Kook?"

"Probably upstairs" Bogum said.

Yoongi gave a curt nod and mumbled a thanks before climbing up the stairs to find the ravenette.

He headed straight to the younger's office because that's where he usually was. But he was greeted by an empty room.

Jungkook's in his room? Why?
Yoongi wondered as he dragged himself Jungkook's room.

He slowly pushed the door open.

"Ju- What the fuck?!"

Jimin's phone rang for the fifth time in the last ten minutes.

Jimin picked up the call with a frown.
"Yoongi, I love you, but I will kill you if you don't stop calling me every few seconds. I'm really worried right now so I'll call you after we find Tae okay?"  Jimin said before he ended the call.

Five seconds later, his phone rang again.
"What is it?" Jimin answered, his voice laced with venom."Taehyung's missing and-"

"Yeah about that," Yoongi cut him off. "I found Taehyung."


Hey guys! How was your day? Hope it is going great ^_^

How's the chapter? It's not proof read as usual so please comment on any mistakes.

Also, quick question- where r u all from? I'm Indian.

Don't forget you are all wonderful and unique!


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