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"Look Jimin I know what you're going t-"

"Taehyung you are leading him on. Where do you even expect this to end up? He is your father's rival gang's leader. And despite whatever the hell you say about Daehyun you love him in the end. You might not exactly like him but you will not stand watching when someone kills him either. Tae just- What are you doing?"

Taehyung paced the room in frustration as he tried to come up with a rational reason for his actions.
"I don't know. I don't know okay? I can't help it. I can't help how fast my heart beats every time I see him. I can't help but feel happy when I see that adorable bunny smile of his. I know I sound stupid but it's just how it is a-"

"Tae. Breathe. It's just me okay? You know I'll support you whatever you choose." Jimin's voice was filled with concern as he watched his friend in anguish.

"I can't choose between them." The silverette whispered.

Jimin smiled sadly as he stood up from his bed -still limping a bit but otherwise fine- and walked to his best friend, only to pull him into warm and comforting hug.

"You don't have to choose now sweetie." Jimin soothed him as he held the other softly in his arms. "But when you do, I will be there to support you, no matter what."

Taehyung smiled weakly as he hugged his friend tighter.
"I love you Jiminie"

"I love you too Tae"


"Hoseok, I'll ask you this one more time, where is Taehyung?"

"I don't kn-" Hoseok was cut off by a loud scream.

"No! NO STOP IT!" Hoseok begged as he heard his lover's painful shout."WE REALLY DON'T KNOW. Mr.Kim please stop hurting him."

"I will stop, when you stop lying to me." Daehyun said venomously.

Yet another pitiful scream tore through the room.
"HE IS WITH JUNGKOOK!" He howled in desperation. "He's with him. Just stop it. Please."

"Thankyou Hoseok. Yugyeom's in the next room. You can go get him." Daehyun said, smiling devilishly.

Hoseok ran out of the room in a hurry, throwing open the door of the room nearby. His heart clenched painfully at the sight of his boyfriend huddled in one corner of the room, leaning against the wall with his knees drawn up to his chest.

The red haired male rushed to his side, gently lifting the blonde's face with his fingers, only to see that his lip was busted and his eyes, swollen.

He will take revenge for this. Daehyun will pay.

Yoongi opened the door to Jimin's room with a grim expression.

"Yoongi? What's wrong?"

"Maybe you should ask him." Yoongi said with a morose face before he left.


Jimin's confusion was cleared when a red-haired male walked through the door and smiled sadly at him.

"Hobi hyung"

"Hey Jimin." Hoseok smiled weakly.

Hoseok walked to the bed and sat down. Jimin watched with careful eyes, noticing the slight limp in his friend's steps.

"What happened to your leg? And where is Yugyeom?"

"I'll tell you later. There's something more important you need to know,Daehyun knows where we are. I think he's planning to get back Taehyung. Our gang will attack before long. We don't have much time."

"How did he come to know?"

"I-" Hoseok faltered.

Jimin noticed his hyung's discomfort and his voice softened.
"It's okay hyung, you can tell me."

"I- I'm so sorry Jimin but he was hurting Yugyeom and you know how m-" Hoseok stuttered as he tried to justify himself.

"Hyung. I know. It's fine. Don't be sorry. Where's Yugyeom now?"

The older male chuckled softly before he replied."He's being treated by a very fussy and motherly Jin who kicked me out"

"Right. I vaguely remember Yoongi being so worried about me when he first came that he was doing more damage than help. Perhaps I might have been dreaming but I'm pretty sure I saw Jin pull Yoongi by the ear and throw him out."

They laughed heartily for a while before a comfortable silence settled in.

"Let's go. We have to tell the others." Jimin said as he stood up after a few minutes.

"Wait, Jimin"

"Yes hyung?"

"Daehyun has ordered them to kill you on sight. And now that we're here he probably wants us dead too."


"So we fight. And we kill him this time." Jungkook stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world.

"You're forgetting something dumbass. Taehyung won't help you kill his father remember?" Jimin spat.

"And you're saying you both would?" Jungkook scoffed, looking at Hoseok and Jimin.

"No. He's saying we'll follow what Taehyung does. As much as we dislike Daehyun, he is Tae's father." Hoseok stated calmly.

"So if Taehyung decides to switch sides halfway through then-"

"We will switch sides too." Jimin said before Yoongi could finish.

Yoongi nodded stiffly, disliking Jimin's decision yet understanding him.
Jimin smiled softly at his lover. This was why they were meant for each other, however unstable their relationship would seem like to others, it was perfect. They understood each other more than anyone else could and that was enough for them.

"You purposefully told Taehyung about Yugyeom now so that you could have this conversation before he came didn't you?" Jin asked the two partners in crime.

Jimin and Hoseok shrugged innocently while Jin shook his head in defeat.
As if on queue,  Taehyung walked in the room with a small smile on his face.

"Yugi's fine Hobi hyung. You guys worried me." He said as he sat down on the sofa along with Hoseok.

Jungkook, who was leaning on the wall until then, walks to the silverette and sits down next to him, pulling him closer.

Taehyung leaned back against Jungkook while the ravenette wrapped a gentle arm around his waist.

Jin let out a very loud and exaggerated "awww" while the others internally cooed at the two in front of them.

"So..Why are we all here?" Taehyung asked curiously.


Hey guys!
How is everyone doing? Hope you are all well!

What do you think of the chapter? Did you like it?

Please comment on mistakes as usual cuz it's not proof read lol. I'm lazy.

Have a great day! Bye :)


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