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The young boy watched with terrified eyes as someone harshly pounded on the door that rattled dangerously on its hinges.

"Hide" the woman whispered. "Just go..hide somewhere in the room and don't come out okay love?"

The brunette simply stood in place, confused by his mother's actions, not wanting to leave her when he was scared like this.

The woman gently gripped her son's arm.

"Sweetie...please listen to me. I need you to go hide in that cupboard okay? And stay there no matter what happens okay?"

He nodded softly as yet another thud was heard and the door shook vigorously.

"Stay here okay? Don't make a noise. Mommy loves you baby." The woman said as she closed the door and locked it from outside. "Your father will come find you okay sweetie? I love you."

The door collapsed in front of her eyes."Hush love" she whispered one last time.

"No!! Please!!! H-Help" The brunette screamed as he rolled around on the bed. His hands tightly gripping the sheets as tears rolled down his cheeks.

"Tae! Tae wake up." He tried to push against the arms that were shaking him.

"No. No."

"It's okay..its me. Tae wake up. "

Taehyung jolted awake sitting upright on the bed. His eyes filled with fear, his body hot and sweaty.


"I know. I know Tae. Its okay." Jimin said as he carefully put his arms around the younger.

It had been obvious from Taehyung's shook up state after he killed Minho that something was wrong. Although he tried to act strong in front of everyone after they got back, Jimin could easily see through his facade.

But he knew better than to push it. Taehyung would tell him when he was ready.

Taehyung whimpered pitifully and Jimin swiftly pulled him close as he layed them both down on the bed and wrapped his arm around his best friend's waist. Taehyung quickly moved closer resting his head on Jimin's chest, fisting his shirt as he stopped shivering and closed his eyes.



"What?!" Yoongi snapped. 

Jungkook and Yoongi were in Jungkook's office (Yes he has an office. Being a mafia is not all murdering and walking around behaving like egotistical jerks) discussing --well not discussing as much as Yoongi lying flat on the couch and humming once in a while as Jungkook thought of ways to burn down the enormous amount of paperwork on his desk--some important matters. (I have no idea wtf mafia members would talk about 😂)

Jungkook ignored his hyung's irrate tone as he continued.

"I was thinking its okay if you date the shorty in Kim's gang."

Yoongi almost fell off the couch due to the force with which he sat up.

"Say what now?!"

"I'm not gonna say it again."

"Are you being serious?"

The ravenette nodded hesitantly.

Yoongi narrowed his eyes."Why the sudden change of mind?"

Jungkook shrugged indifferently.

"I just thought you might be the only one in love and that shorty's using you to get info on us. But I saw that wasn't true yesterday. I guess I should try to adjust to the fact that you'll be dating my arch enemy's right hand man."

The elder should probably be pissed at Jungkook for keeping them apart for that dumb reason, but he couldn't stop the grin that lit up his features.

"So you're telling me you went all crazy when I told you about Jimin cuz you were afraid he didn't really love me and I would be hurt?"

"Shut up." Jungkook huffed.


"Tae I already told you this is a bad idea."

"Why? We're not kids. What's wrong with going to a club?"

Taehyung said as he hurried past Jimin. The latter shook his head, unamused, as he pulled his friend back by his wrist.

"Look I know you want to drink away your frustration at the fact that you killed that guy but we both know that's isn't the smartest decision."

For the hundredth time that day Taehyung wished his friend didn't know him this well.

"Why would I care that I killed that asshole?"

"Because I know you Tae and I'm not stupid to not see that my best friend is upset. I just wish you'd tell me why."

Taehyung pulled his hand from Jimin's.

"Can we not talk about this now?"

"Fine. But I need an explanation by tomorrow or we're leaving cuz drunk you is a handful and I need something in return for getting your wasted ass home."

"Hey! I won't get wasted." Taehyung claimed as he walked inside the club.

"Yeah right. And Yoongi hates sleeping." Jimin rolled his eyes as he followed the brunette.


Short filler chapter before things start getting spiced up next chapter ;)

Hope that you guys enjoyed reading.

Don't forget that whoever you are, you're important and one of a kind!

Have a great day! Borahae♥~

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