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It had been a year since that fateful day. One year since he had lost his father. One year since V and Suho had left.(Sorry guys!! I know many of you wanted them to stay, but it just won't fit the plot ) Taehyung was content. Content with the life he was leading, no regret of the decisions he had made.

He had always wanted a job like this, peaceful and satisfying. No need to kill anyone, no need to threaten their family, no need to cause anyone any pain.

Ironic, that he was owned in a cafe of his own, and made the best cappuccino in the town, when he himself wasn't a fan of the bitter taste of caffeine. Ironic, that he had started a school for orphans when he himself had been deprived of luxuries of school life.

A gentle tap on the counter stopped his daydreaming.
"What'ya thinking so hard about Tae?"

"Nothing" Taehyung smiled at his friend.

"Yeah. Yeah. Keep on lying to me. Missing your boyfriend?" Jimin teased, making a pouty face.

Taehyung smacked his contemptuous friend who fell back, giggling at Taehyung's expression and actions.

Taehyung's phone vibrated on the counter and he picked it up only to smile lovingly at the caller id.

"Hey sweetie! You here?"

Jimin sat up from the floor immediately making obnoxious kissing faces earning another smack from Taehyung.
"Go annoy your boyfriend chimmie."

"What boyfriend? I'm single and ready to mingle."

"Says who?"

The bitter-cold winter air rustled through the door as it opened and closed. Two men entered the empty cafe. 10:00 pm. Too late for visits to the cafe, yet Taehyung kept the cafe open uptil 12 at night everyday. He liked it here. Quiet, serene, the occasional customers and crowded days that kept him happy and occupied. Things had changed, yes, but they had changed for the better.

A certain mint-green haired man walked up to the counter followed by none other than the great Jeon Jungkook.

"Says me" Jimin replies sassily.

Yoongi pulled the orange-haired devil towards him, forcing their chests to collide.
"Brave today are we?" Yoongi teased before pulling Jimin into a passionate kiss.

Taehyung smiled softly at the couple, not noticing his boyfriend who-impatient for attention- lifted him onto the counter, moving to stand in between his legs.

"Hey gorgeous" The ravenette whispered huskily, leaning towards Taehyung, his arms on either side of the silverette on the counter.


The younger was cut off as he too was pulled into a soft kiss by his lover. Their lips moved together in a fiery tangle that left the latter breathless.

The cafe door opened once again, this time unnoticed by the very busy couples.

The two pairs jumped apart from each other.

"Just cuz you two got here 5 minutes earlier than us doesn't mean you start a make out session." Jin spoke as he walked in with Namjoon followed by Yugyeom and Hoseok.

"Look who's talking. Mr 'I'll make out with my boyfriend in the kitchen every 2 seconds'." Taehyung says in a jesting tone.

"Do you want dinner today?" Jin asks overly politely.

"Umm yes?"

"Then shut up Tae."

Hoseok laughed at the annoyed expression on his friends face, throwing himself at his boyfriend for support. Yugyeom watched his lover's antics fondly.

"How was your day?" Taehyumg turned to the ravenette.

"Was ok...except it was kind of boring without my sunshine~" Jungkook sing-sang before pecking the other's lips once again.

"Stop being so cheesy!" Taehyung scolded, although he was blushing furiously at his boyfriend's words.

"It's time guys. We should get going." Namjoon says loudly.

Everyone groaned mentally before standing up to head out the door.
Jungkook and Taehyung left last, the latter locking the door behind him. He turned around only to be pushed softly against the door and kissed gently yet again. He smiled through the kiss as his fingers entangled in the other's ravenette locks.

Jungkook pulled away slowly and smiled at the other.
"I missed you today. Everything's boring without you"

"I missed you too kook" Taehyung whispered, playing with the red-highlighted strands of Jungkook's hair.

"Did I tell you these highlights make you look hot as hell?"

Jungkook laughed softly. "Yeah I think you did."

"Guys! Come on! We have to go!" Hoseok shouted before Yugyeom sped away with him clinging on for dear life on the bike.

Taehyung laughed happily before getting on the bike behind Jungkook, who kick started the engine, causing it to roar to life.

They sped past buildings and street lights, the moonlight shining down on them.

"Ready?" Jungkook asked as they stopped in front of a deserted factory in the outskirts of the city.

The rest of their friends were gathered in front of the building already.

"Always." Taehyung replied.

The silverette directed his gun at the black silhouette on one of the windows and fired expertly.

The figure fell in a heep on the floor. The entire factory buzzed with alarms as one by one the lights were switched on.

Taehyung smirked before focusing his gun at the next target, hazel eyes shining in the moonlight. (You're welcome lol)


I had no clue wth to write lmao. Hope you guys weren't bored.....

So that's the official ending of My Father's Rival. Although I might edit the chapters once my exams are over. :)

Take care! Borahae♥~

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