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Yoongi sighed as Jimin angrily approached Jungkook.


"What the fuck do you mean what ? He's on your damn lap!" Jimin shouted.

Taehyung shuffled on the ravenette's lap and groaned before burying his head further into the elder's neck.

Jimin looked confused for a second before he went right back to furious.


Jungkook gazed at the seething boy with a bored expression before he turned to Yoongi.

"Is he always this retarded? Cuz if so then I'm going to have to rethink on that 'you dating him is okay' decision of mine."

"You little fucker." Jimin jumped forward to punch that stupid smirk off the ravenette's face.

Yoongi sighed, defeated, before pulling Jimin back into his chest, wrapping his arms around the latter's waist to stop him from hurting Jungkook. Or himself.

"Babe, calm down."

Jimin struggled in Yoongi's grip,
"Just let me go so I can smash his fucking face in!" He pleaded as he continued to squirm in his boyfriend's arms.

"He's going to wake up if you keep screaming like that. You don't want that do you? Let him sleep."

Jimin grimaced, thinking how little sleep his friend got the last week, his nightmares constantly waking him up.

"I know that you coconut head." Jimin huffed as he stopped struggling and slumped back against Yoongi.



To say that the last one hour was awkward would be an understatement. Jimin and Yoongi sat with Jungkook at the bar as Taehyung continued to doze off on his lap.

Why was it awkward? Well, because Jimin was basically glaring a hole through Jungkook every time he made the slightest of movements. Yoongi tried to get Jimin to relax but the latter simply refused to trust the ravenette with his friend.

It was awkward for Jungkook, but it definitely wasn't uncomfortable. A little too comfortable if you ask me. The mafia head sighed as he tightened his grip around the younger's waist and buried his head in the crook of his (taehyung's) neck, inhaling the soft scent of lavender and cinnamon that lingered on the younger.

"Jeon." Jimin warned.

"What the hell is wrong with you? I am not even doing anything." Jungkook finally snapped.

"You're not doing anything? Seriously?! Listen, asshole. Taehyung means a lot to me and I don't want him to be used and thrown aside like some fucking toy. He doesn't deserve that. Not now, not ever. So stop fucking pretending that you aren't using him to get to his damn father!" Jimin hissed.

"Jimin-" Yoongi began.

"No Yoongi. I don't want to hear anything. He's not even denying it. So don't even try to make me believe for one second that he actually cares for Taehyung." Jimin said as he glared at the ravenette

"That was my plan." Jungkook began, his head bowed.

"See? I was right. I know you Jeon. You are and will always be a fucking-"

"Let me complete what I was saying, shorty. That was my original plan. But now, it's not about getting to his father anymore. I tried. I tried to avoid it for so long. I tried to hurt him so that he'd hate me, so that it would be easier for me to let go of whatever I was feeling. Taehyung is nothing like I expected. Nothing like his father. I don't know when or why I started developing feelings but I did."
Jungkook said in the calmest voice he could muster so that the brunette in his arms wouldn't wake up.

Jungkook paused to take a short breath before continuing
"I have never hurt anyone innocent. Only idiots that deserved it. So if you think you know shit about me, you're wrong."

Jimin gave Jungkook a very apprehensive glance before turning to Yoongi who didn't seem very shocked at Jungkook's sudden revelation. "You knew didn't you."

"He didn't tell me but I guessed as much."

"So? I should just trust him?"

"I don't know, it's your choice." Yoongi shrugged.

"I'm right here. Stop acting like you two are alone. And don't think we have a damn truce or anything because I still plan to put a bullet through Kim Daehyun's fucking head." Jungkook whisper shouted.

"So what you're saying is, I should trust you not to hurt Taehyung but you will still kill someone who he loves a lot and indirectly, still hurt him."

"Yes. That is exactly what I'm saying. And I don't care if you trust me or not."


"Your bickering is worse than when Taehyung and Jungkook were fighting." Yoongi groaned loudly.

"Fine." Jimin huffed." Whatever. I will try not to stab him every time he touches Tae."

Jungkook smirked smugly at the other."Nice choice, Park."

"Fuck you Jeon."

Taehyung shuffled lightly in his sleep as he tried to get in a more comfortable position on the ravenette's lap. Jungkook gazed fondly at the younger before slightly adjusting his position to help the younger. Taehyung hummed in a satisfied tone before burying his head back in other's neck and drifting right back to sleep. Jungkook chuckled.

"On second thought I do kinda trust you. You're obviously whipped." Jimin said with a smirk adorning his features.

"Shut up Park."

"Jimin, don't make fun of the poor boy." Yoongi said with a stern expression as Jimin turned to him, with a glare."He's a little soft now because he's whipped af."

Jimin burst out laughing as Jungkook glared daggers at his mint-green haired friend.

Exams are so tiring lol. Anyways,

Hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

It's not proof read so please comment on any mistakes.

Thanks for all the support. It means the world to me.


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