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"V! No!!" Jimin shouted.

Taehyung flashed a sly smirk as his hands, now armed with his gun, moved to point the weapon at the Mafia head.
Unfortunately for him, another gun,similar to his, was already aimed at his chest.

Jungkook was not dumb. He had not become a mafia head just like that. So it was not a surprise that he noticed the suspicious way in which Taehyung behaved.

And all that, ladies and gentlemen, brings us Taehyung and Jungkook pointing their guns at each other, and the rest of the members of both the gangs stood frozen in anticipation of what was to come.

"You actually thought I was stupid enough to not realise how suspicious you were acting?" Jungkook asked mockingly.

"Well forgive me for assuming you were as dumb as you looked."
Taehyung spat back, sarcasm dripping from his tone.

Yoongi made a move to reach for his own gun. Taehyung still focused his eyes on Jungkook as he spoke with a forceful voice.
"One more move and I'll shoot him."

"Are you sure you're in a position to say that?" The ravenette challenged, "I can shoot you as easily as you can shoot me."

"Actually, let me take a rain check on that." Taehyung said as he smiked innocently before moving his gun to point it at his own forehead.

V, stop it.

No. I'm doing what you should've done a long time ago.

Why do you keep saying that? Just stop.

Jungkook's expression morphed into one of fear and worry. "No don't!"

"On second thought, you really are as dumb as you look." Taehyung said, moving his gun back to its original position. "Now. Since we both know you would never shoot Taehyung,  guess who has an advantage?"

V please.

"And yet you're wasting your time talking to me like this. Why not kill me already? Why exactly are you stalling?"

"I am not stalling."

V please stop. Don't hurt him

You're actually begging for his life. He is your father's enemy Taehyung. How can you be so naive? He is manipulating you.

You know that's not true. He is not manipulating me. You are. V stop it. I'm begging you. Please. Just give me control.

Taehyung just shut up you're giving me a headache

No. You stop it. Just give me control,

"Then why am I still standing here?" Jungkook taunted. "Oh wait. Let me guess." He continued as he took a deliberate step in closer, pressing the gun roughly against the other.

I'm gonna kill him.

"Taehyung is holding you back." The ravenette said as he discreetly waved his hand behind his back, silently asking Yoongi to leave the room with the others whike he distracted the brunette.

"He is trying to take control of his body right now. And you, V, are too weak to resist him fully." He took a threatening step closer.

Don't hurt him please. Just give me control.

Taehyung tightened his grip on the gun.
"He is the weak one. Not me. He needs me."

I am not weak.

You are. That is why I always have to protect you.

Then let me help myself for once.

Jungkook moved closer as he waited all of the others to leave the room. Taehyung stood disoriented, not being able to focus on anything other than the ravenette who now stood dangerously close and the raging war in his head. Everyone cleared out one by one,a struggling Jimin having been dragged out of the room by Yoongi.

"He doesn't need you. You need him. Without him, there is no you." Jungkook spat harshly as he continued to advance as Taehyung stepped back, nearing the wall.

"One more step and you're dead." Taehyung threatened.

V please.

"I thought you came here to kill me?" Jungkook reminded. "If there's anything you should know it's that you don't hesitate with your target, especially when the target has potential."

Jungkook raised his arms to wrench the gun from the brunette's grip. Taehyung barely had time to move before his gun was thrown aside.

Next second he was pressed against the wall,Jungkook towered over him, pinning his arms above his head. The elder looked into the other's eyes, holding him captive under his gaze.

Taehyung furiously struggled in his grip but to no avail. Jungkook lifted his hand and Taehyung flinched. Expecting a slap from the elder, the brunette tightly shut his own eyes. But contrary to his thoughts, a warm palm gently cupped his left cheek. He opened his eyes only to be met with a dark onyx ocean gazing back at him, and fingers that caressed his skin oh so softly, like he was something breakable.

V, please. If you really want what's best for me you'll let me fight my own fights. Just-

I know. I know . Uggh, I'm so going to  regret this later..

Jungkook watched curiously as Taehyung's eyes darkened from hazel to chocolate brown.

"Taehyung?" Jungkook questioned.

The brunette gave a soft nod.

Not a moment was wasted before Jungkook caught Taehyung's lips with his own, pulling him in for a short yet passionate kiss. His fingers tangled in Taehyung's hair as his other hand moved to the brunette's waist, pressed him against his chest.

Ew gross. I already regret giving you control.

Oh shut up.

After what seem liked aeons (to V😂), their lips finally parted.
Jungkook's eyes lingered on the blushing younger as he wondered how someone could look so adorable with swollen lips and dishevelled hair.

Sorry for the late update. Class is literally killing me and my exams start tomorrow.

Anyway, I hope you guys enjoyed the chapter!

Also, quick question: what hair colours do you pefer on Tae and Kook?

Leave your opinion in the comments.

I might edit this chapter later. Not exactly happy with it.

Hope you have an amazing day :)


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