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Last chapter. Don't kill me!

"So...." Jin broke the thick silence in the room. "Your mom and his dad? Nice."

Namjoon mentally face-palmed at his boyfriend's futile attempt at easing the tension.

"Doesn't that make you guys like- stepbrothers?" Yugyeom asked.

"Yugs. I love you but I suggest you shut up cuz Jungkook looks like he's about to bite your head off." Hoseok warned.

Taehyung let out a small laugh which immediately made Jungkook's glare soften as he turned to the boy sitting next to him on the couch. The silverette hadn't spoken a word since the shocking revelation and he had started to become worried for the younger.

Jimin let out a loud cough that sounded strangely like 'whipped'.

"So now what?" Namjoon asked.

A loud sound from outside caught their attention. The hustle and bustle of feet was heard and Jackson burst into the room.
"Jungkook! Daehyun's gang is in the mansion. They have opened fire."

Yoongi turned to the ravenette, seeking orders. Jungkook slightly inclined his head towards Taehyung, who looked completely bewildered. The mint-green haired male immediately stood up and left the room with Namjoon and Jin trailing behind him. Yugyeom slightly nudged Hoseok who gave a small nod to Taehyung before they both ran out the door with their guns in their hands as well.

"Jimin" Jungkook pleaded silently.

"Fine. I better not regret this Jeon." Jimin said curtly.

The pink-head gave Taehyung a gentle smile of reassurance before leaving with the others.


"We have to go. Have to go help them. W-We-"

"Tae" Jungkook called softly as he pulled the younger closer by the waist. "Tae. Breathe."

"We have t-to" Taehyung continued to blabber as he tried to get out of Jungkook's hold.

"Taehyung. Calm down. Hey... I know you're not ready to face you're dad. You don't have to. Just stay here!"

Oh hallelujah! Jeon has developed a brain!


Sorry you want one of us to take control for a while?

Yes please. I can't just sit here being useless while they fight.

Sure sweetie.

Jungkook's eyes widened as Taehyung's chocolate brown eyes lightened to hazel. His grip loosened but V immediately caught his arms to hold them in place.

"V- what are you-"

The silverette did not let him complete the sentence before he pulled the elder closer and kissed him passionately. Jungkook was shocked for a moment before he returned the kiss with the same vigour.

MY FATHER'S RIVAL (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now