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"We're not letting this go so better start talking."

"No thanks."

"Tae" Jimin said sternly.


"Just fess up Tae. We are never gonna let you leave otherwise." Hoseok said, crossing his arms as he glared pointedly at the boy sitting on the bed.

"What is there to say? Shouldn't you guys be sleeping? It's like........3 am."

"Exactly. And none of us are gonna get a second of sleep tonight if you don't start talking."

"I feel so attacked. Did you really have to wake up Hobi hyung and Yugyeom?"

"Yes Tae, I did." Jimin said with a smirk."Shouldn't they know about your first ever love interest?"

"First off: He is not my love interest. Two: I was drunk. Three:Yugyeom seems sleepy. Shouldn't you be getting him into bed, Hobi hyung?"

Hoseok turned to look at his boyfriend who was sitting next to Taehyung on the bed (They're all sitting on the bed in a circle.)

"I'm not sleepy Tae. Now stop trying to distract Hobi using me and spill the tea because Jimin refuses to give us the juicy gossip."

"You guys are overreacting. There's literally nothing to 'spill'."

"Excuse me? Need I remind you that you were sleeping on his lap?"

"SAY WHAT?!" Hoseok shouted,"Okay who exactly is this Mr Charming who managed to make the Kim Taehyung agree to sit on his lap?"

"You didn't tell him?" Taehyung questioned, his eyes narrowing.

"Nope" Jimin said. "Their reactions are gonna be golden and I get to see you struggle and stutter for a while. "

"Why are you my best friend?"

"Cuz you love me" Jimin sassed.

"Could you both stop with the bonding drama and tell us who the fuck this dude is?"

Taehyung huffed and turned away.

"You know what? Imma say the name."

"Jimin no-" Taehyung jumped to close his devil of a friend's mouth.

Too late.

"Lo and behold TaeTae's first love interest- Tae move your hand if you're fond of those fingers." Jimin shoved Taehyung away.

"Ah yes where was I? Oh yeah. Taetae's first love interest, the great Jeon Jungkook."

A loud "WHAT?!" was heard before Hoseok fell back off the bed.

If he wasn't so shocked at Jimin's betrayal, Taehyung would've face-palmed.


The brunette shivered lightly under the dominant male who stared at him with hazel eyes full of love.

"Tae.." Jungkook whispered as he leaned in to softly press his lips against the younger's.

"Daydreaming about Taehyung again are you? Boy you whipped af."

Jungkook groaned, annoyed when he was snapped out of his thoughts by a certain blonde who seemed to really enjoy irritating the hell out of him when his boyfriend was not present.

Three weeks. It had been three fucking weeks since he had seen Taehyung. The memories from that night still lurked fresh in his mind.

Especially the part where Taehyung had woken up.

Taehyung rubbed his eyes softly as he sat up straight. He smiled softly at Jungkook with a dazed expression and turned around to see his best friend leaning on Yoongi, staring at them with eyes red from lack of sleep. It took about two seconds for him to come to his senses and realise the situation he was in.

Taehyung quickly jumped off of Jungkook and headed to the door. His cheeks burning red as he closed the door behind him. Jimin let out an annoyed grunt before struggling to ease Yoongi's grip on his waist and following suite.

After the incident, Taehyung avoided Jungkook with every fibre of his being. The one time the ravenette had asked Yoongi to talk to his boyfriend about the brunette, Jimin had sent back a cheeky remark that made him want to smash the idiot's face in.

Jin continued to spout nonsense as Jungkook got up from his seat and walked out of the room, ignoring the blonde who glared at him reproachfully.


Okay so maybe he shouldn't have sneeked out to roam the city by himself when Jimin left for a date with Yoongi. And maybe he shouldn't have let his curiosity get the better of him and walked through a rather suspicious looking alleyway when he knew he would get in trouble.
But in his defence, he never got to go out of the mansion by himself. He loved Jimin. But sometimes he just needed some time alone.

Kim Taehyung groaned at his own stupidity as he stood with his gun pointed at five men who had cornered him in the alleyway.

Give me control.

You'll kill them.

No, I won't.

Don't lie to me.

Taehyung just let me-

No. I don't think they plan to hurt me. Maybe we could negotiate.

Oh don't be so fucking naive. We both know that is the exact reason why your mother is dead.

That's not true.

The rather scary looking auburn-haired guy who looked like the ring leader spoke up,
"So your father actually is dumb enough to send you out on your own after we threatened to kill you."

Jungkook slightly shifted from his position behind the entrance of the alley to get a better view of what was happening. Yes, he was on his way back to their mansion when he saw Taehyung entering the alleyway and yes, he followed him. So what? He can go wherever the hell he pleases so hush you.

The brunette knew better than to try and help Taehyung. Him popping out of nowhere would only worsen the situation.Taehyung could handle five men easily. Besides, he needed to know if what Yoongi said was true. Did Taehyung really kill that entire gang by himself?

The auburn-haired male raised his gun and pointed it at Taehyung.
"You're outnumbered. Give up."

Taehyung moved on impulse. In a flash the five men were on the ground, blood pooling at their feet as they cried in pain.

You can never be the son your father wants. You are weak.

I'm not weak.

Then prove it. Kill them.

I can't.

Kill them Taehyung. Kill them and  prove me wrong or give up and admit that you are a disgrace to your father. Hopeless. Weak.

I'm not a disgrace. I'm not weak. I'm not. I'm not.

Do it then. Kill them.

He should kill them. He has to kill them. No rational thought occupied his mind as he raised the gun. Five gunshots rang through the eerie silence. Taehyung fell on his knees and screamed.


Hey guys! How was your day?

Hope you guys like the update. Don't worry there will be a lot more Taekook interactions in the next chapter.

Please comment if you find any mistakes so I can correct them.

Have a wonderful day. Saranghae♥~

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