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Not proof read. I'm lazy af. Sorry for any mistakes! Please leave a comment if you find any!

Three Months Later

"A very precious stone worth millions is with this guy. But he refuses to sell it. I think he's a newbie in the mafia regime because he does not seem to know that he should not mess with us." Mr Kim's voice rang loud and clear through the room as he pointed at several photos (of the said man) casually strewn across the table.

Around the table, in their usual meeting place, sat the most trusted and skilled members of the Fallen Angels (yes I named their gang fallen angels. Why? Blood sweat and tears Taehyung vibes 😂)

Jimin, Hoseok, Yugyeom and Taehyung, all sat in deep thought as they listened carefully to their head. Although Taehyung simply attended these meetings for the sake of it. They all knew that he did not like to take part in any business that involved killing, and unfortunately, being part of a mafia gang guaranteed atleast one murder per mission.

"However, we have recieved information that Bangtan(I know I named Jungkook's gang Bangtan. So what?) has also taken an interest in the stone. They are planning to attack today evening. We should get the stone before them so we attack today too. We can't afford Jeon gaining possession of it. Am I clear?"

Everyone nodded dutifully.

"Okay. As usual I want Ji-"

"I want to lead the mission this time dad."

Everyone turned to Taehyung with dumb-found expressions. Taehyung simply shrugged and turned to his father.

"I will bring the stone to you, by tonight."

Taehyung's eyes shone with determination as he waited for his father's consent.

"Very well then. But Taehyung, you should know that I want their head dead."

Taehyung closed his eyes for a while before he spoke again.


"Ofcourse Taehyung. Anything for you."

Taehyung smiled at his best friend.

"It is decided then, Taehyung will lead the mission. Is anyone against this decision?"

Everyone sat silently, since they all agreed that Taehyung was more than capable of being their leader.

"You can all go prepare then."

Taehyung turned to his father as everyone stood up to leave.

"We will attack in the evening."

"But Bangtan-"

"I know dad. That's why."

Kim Daehyun smiled slightly as he looked at his son.



The team spent the whole morning planning and then left to get some rest before the actual mission. And by rest I mean that they are all huddled in the living room. Jimin looked longingly at Hoseok and Yugyeom cuddling on the sofa.

Taehyung placed a comforting hand on his friend's shoulder.
"We'll find a way to get you two together. I promise."

Jimin smiled sadly at his best friend.
"I hope so."

They all sat in peaceful silence until Jimin turned to Taehyung with a rather knowing expression.

"Why did you agree to lead the mission?"

"What better way to get revenge than steal the stone from right under his nose?" Taehyung smirked.

Jimin laughed obnoxiously as J-Hope and Yugyeom joined in.

"I knew it." Jimin said victoriously.

"Never thought you were the vengeful kind Tae" Yugyeom said.

"And here we were thinking you wanted to make your father proud." Hoseok laughed as Yugyeom nodded along.

"Anyway, we should go get ready. We leave soon." Taehyung stated.

"Aww look at our TaeTae all grown up. A leader!" Jimin cooed.

Taehyung threw a pillow from the couch at Jimin, who skillfully dodged it and skipped to his room.

Hoseok and Yugyeom went to their room and so did Taehyung.

Taehyung stood frowning at his own image in the mirror. What he had told Jimin was true. Well, partially true. He did want revenge on Jungkook. But a small part of him missed the place (although he kept denying it to himself) ever since he managed to escape. The place minus Jungkook that is. Jungkook was an ass.

Ok maybe Jungkook too, a little. Because in all seriousness, his experience there was nowhere near as bad as he expected. The whipping wasn't exactly the most comfortable experience but he had almost killed five of Jungkook's men so that was a little justifiable. Other than that, Jungkook hadn't done anything to him. He was pretty sure if his father had managed to capture one of Jungkook's gang members they'd be dead. So Jungkook really wasn't that ba-

What the fuck am I thinking?

Taehyung groaned in annoyance at his own reflection in the mirror. For the millionth time since he came back home from Jungkook's mansion, he wondered if he had developed Stockholm Syndrome in such a short time of captivity.


I am so bored these days. I hate the fact that school starts in a week

Anyways, hope you enjoyed the story. Don't forget to vote if you liked it!

Thanks for reading! Saranghae!♡

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