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"I'm ready"

"Are you sure Tae?" Jimin asks softly.

"Yes. I'm sorry for being a jerk before. I was just shocked. Are you angry with me?"

Unknowingly the silverette pouted childishly and everyone in the room cooed silently at the adorable action.

"I am" Jimin said sternly.

"Jiminie I'm so sorry I really didn't mean to hurt you. It was all just too much I-" Taehyung stuttered.

"I was kidding you idiot! Who could stay angry at you?"

The broadest of box smiles lit up his face before Taehyung jumped to hug his best friend.

"I'm sorry Chim."

"I know baby"

Jungkook cleared his throat rather loudly.

"I think we should let him talk to Suho and V now."

"Sure Jeonlous" Jimin smirked as he pulled away from the hug.

"Shut up shortstacks." The ravenette said

"You little pest. How fu-"

"How about you start talking to your alters while they fight?" Jin suggested.

Taehyung glanced at the two fighting by the door of the living room.

"Yeah ok" he shrugged as he walked past the bickering kids to sit down on the couch.


Now you believe us


We're not going to tell you anything.



Traitor. I created you! You ungrateful-

Stop being a drama queen.


Fine! Gang up on me.

Whatever. I'm ready to know what happened.

//Are you sure Taehyung?//

Yeah. I'm fine now.


I'm ready V.

If you're sure then....

A rush of hidden memories clouded his mind and Taehyung clutched his forehead in agony as a splitting headache settled in.

The silverette's eyes stung with tears as he let out a pitiful whimper.

Jungkook and Jimin stopped their bickering and immediately made their way to the younger.
"Tae? Tae are you ok? Can you hear me? Tae. What is happening?" Jimin gently shook his friend who was shaking his head from side to side in a frenzy.

"Jimin stop it. He's in a fragile state right now. Let him accept the truth. He'll tell us when he's ready. Let him be." Jin tried to reason.

But the pink-haired male was beyond reason as he desperately tried to help.

Taehyung opened his eyes and was immediately pulled into a hug by his friend, which he gladly returned.

Taehyung? Are you okay? Tae..

I'm fine I just... I'm fine. I just can't believe my mother...

The silverette gazed uncertainly at the ravenette that stood behind Jimin, his concerned eyes on him.

MY FATHER'S RIVAL (VKOOK)Where stories live. Discover now