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Taehyung was sitting in his prison (Jungkook's room) awaiting the arrival of the ravenette who he was sure would kill him today or torture him to the point he would want to die (okay, he is exaggerating, but my dramatic ass wants him to).

He had been rather shocked when Yoongi barged into the room in the afternoon to inform him what his father had proposed to Jungkook. Both of them had reached the silent agreement that Jungkook's reaction wouldn't be positive.

Yoongi had left after informing him that Jungkook would return late at night and he would inform him of Mr Kim's demand then.

However the last words Yoongi spoke as he closed the door behind him surprised Taehyung.

"I'll try my best to stop him from hurting you."

What happened to extremely loyal Min Yoongi??

Taehyung finally drew the hasty conclusion that his best friend might have forced Yoongi to keep him safe. And he was right.

Flashback to the meeting between Jimin and Yoongi

After the rather shocking revelation by Jimin, they both sat in silence, contemplating what to do. Jimin spoke first.



"I want you to make sure Jungkook doesn't hurt Tae"

"You know I can't do that." Yoongi said with a frown.

"Please Yoongs, you have to atleast try. Please. We both know Jungkook will make Taehyung's life living hell after you tell him this information."

Yoongi finally complied, unable to ignore the pleading look Jimin was sending him.

"I'll try Jimin. I'll try my best."

Present Time

Jungkook entered the room with his hands fisted in seething rage. He was not going to let that midget get away with this more than offensive demand. He would make sure his rival's son suffered for his actions.
(Stupid logic ik)

He slammed the door closed. A very worried Yoongi stood outside, knowing that the brunette would be hurt despite his requests.

However, the ravenette was caught offguard when someone suddenly pushed him harshly from behind. He crashed into the wall opposite him with a loud thud, alerting Yoongi who stood outside. Jungkook quickly pulling out his gun to aim it at his assaulter even whilst he groaned in pain at his aching back.

Jungkook's eyes  widened as he saw Taehyung standing in front of him. He had little time to react before the gun was kicked out of his hand and Taehyung caught it nimbly and pointed it at its owner.

Yoongi had thrown open the door expecting to see a helpless Taehyung in front of Jungkook. The sight before him caught him off guard but it was not long before his own gun was placed on Taehyung's forehead, his expression pained, as he spoke.

"Taehyung, drop the gun. Please. Or I'll be forced to shoot you."

For a moment it looked like Taehyung's resolution had wavered as he slightly lowered the gun in his hand. Yoongi relaxed slightly. The next second his gun was also sent  flying and Taehyung had kicked him behind his knees.

Taehyung promptly caught the second gun and pointed it at Yoongi, who fell on his knees next to Jungkook.

Jungkook was about to get up, thinking Taehyung's concentration was on Yoongi, when a sharp pain graced his left leg and he fell back onto the floor. Yoongi watched as Jungkook helplessly clutched his now bleeding leg. He tried to get up but Taehyung spoke up.

"Yoongi, stay down. I don't want to hurt you. And anyway, he won't bleed to death, trust me. I made the cut shallow enough that it won't happen but deep enough that it hurts and he won't follow me out."

"Why?" Jungkook smirked lightly as he winced in pain, trying to stop the bleeding that had noticeably reduced. Yoongi noticed this and relaxed slightly,realising that the brunette was not lying.

"Why what fucker?"

"Why don't you let me bleed out. Don't you want me dead?" Jungkook questioned.

"Because unlike you I don't kill without a good enough reason."

"So what I did to you is not reason enough?" Jungkook taunted.

Taehyung thought for a while before answering.
"No. Not really. But don't worry I'll find a way to get revenge. For now, that" Taehyung pointed to the gash on     Jungkook's leg. "Is enough. Besides, you seem to really wanna die, so obviously I'm not gonna grant you that wish."

Yoongi stared back and forth between the two who were glaring daggers at each other. Taehyung suddenly turned to Yoongi.

"Yoongi, give me the key to the room, I know you have it."

The elder kept a stoic expression as he stared straight ahead, not looking at Taehyung.

"Yoongi please. I don't want to hu-"

"Just give him the fucking key."

Yoongi looked at Jungkook confused, but after a few moments he complied when he realised Jungkook was serious. He took out the key and gave it to Taehyung.

In a flash Taehyung was out of the room and the door was locked from outside.

Yoongi turned to Jungkook with his eyebrows raised.

"What? I thought he deserves a chance. Let's see if he gets past our men. The gunshot must have alerted them."

Yoongi contemplated a while if he should tell Jungkook what Jimin had told him about Taehyung. He quickly pushed the thought away.

He did not ask, I need not say. Maybe it's okay to be disloyal just this once. For Jimin.

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