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Jungkook smiled lovingly at the brunette in front of him before leaning in to steal another kiss from those alluring lips. Taehyung moaned softly as Jungkook deepened the kiss, pressing him further into the wall, their bodies brought impossibly closer.

"Eww. No! My innocent eyes! What the hell? We left for like, five minutes. What the fuck happened?" Jimin asked in one breath while he stood at the doorway. Behind him stood the rest of Bangtan and the Fallen Angels.

Jungkook still stood in the same position, raising his eyebrow at the unwelcome intruder. Taehyung blushed furiously as he gently pushed Jungkook away from him and stood straight. But the ravenette was having none of it. He wrapped a gentle arm around the younger's waist, pulling his back against his chest. Jimin glanced, annoyed at the brunette.

"Stop glaring at me, shortstacks or I'll put a bullet through your head. And I don't remember inviting you here."

"Try me you little-" Jimin said angrily, storming upto Jungkook.
He was stopped midway by someone pulling him back by the arm.

"Let me go Yoongi" Jimin spat as he struggled in his arms.

Yoongi chuckled softly at his actions.
"As much as I'd love to see you beating Jungkook's sorry butt, there's something more important to think about right now."

"And what exactly is that?" Jimin asked sassily.

"Don't sass me doll" Yoongi said as he tightened his grip on Jimin's hand  and pulled him back into his arms. "You wouldn't want me to p-"

"AND." Namjoon began loudly.

"Since we really don't want Yoongi to complete that sentence.. Does Daehyun know you're here?" Namjoon interceded, asking the question Yoongi had originally wanted to before his whipped ass was distracted by the snack that was Park Jimin.

Jimin stood blushing for a while before he registered the question that he had been asked.
"Wait. Taehyu- I mean V told Daehyun that- oh crap."


"Do we all have to get our hair coloured? I mean, V didn't actually say that all of us would get our hair coloured. Did he?" Yugyeom asked, turning to Taehyung.

What did you tell him?

That you are all going to get your hair coloured. I had to bring all three of them to help me escape after I blew Jeon's brains out.

W- you know what I can't handle you right now.

"Yeah he did actually."

"I really really don't like that guy." Jimin groaned.

"Wow what a miracle." Jungkook began sarcastically. "We actually agree on something."

"Shut up fuckface. Just because I trust you won't hurt Tae doesn't mean I will hesitate to kill you. You're still a threat to Daehyun. And an annoying son of a (*ahem*)"

Taehyung turned to Jungkook with wide eyes." You won't hurt my dad right?"

Jungkook looked away from those chocolate brown eyes he had come to love so much.

"Right?" Taehyung pressed.

"I can't just forgive him for killing my father Taehyung." Jungkook said his voice forcefully calm, hiding a sea of fury behind his dilated pupils. "Just because you're an angel doesn't mean he deserves mercy."


"Okay I know that this discussion is important for your relationship or whatever to progress right now but you guys should really get out of here after dyeing your hair. It's already 8 and it doesn't take a genius to realise that dyeing your hair does not take three hours." Jin cut them off.

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