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Namjoon and Yoongi frowned in distaste upon seeing the blood stained floor and walls of the room. Three men lay dead on the ground.

"How long will this go on?" Namjoon questioned softly. "He is killing ruthlessly. Even the smallest of things set him off. He needs help Yoongi."

"He needs Taehyung."


Taehyung smiled softly as he pressed his palm gently against the other's cheek. Soft pink lips met his own in a fiery fire of love and lust.

"GET OUT OF MY HEAD!!" Jungkook growled loudly as he landed another harsh punch on the wall. His knuckles were scratched and bloody but he refused to stop.

The room around him was a mess. Picture frames lay broken on the floor along with shattered pieces of glass and wood. The walls were smeared with blood from the ravenette's pale arms.

He leaned his head against the wall, tired. There was no point denying it anymore. Kim Taehyung had managed to do the impossible, make Jeon Jungkook fall in love.

His father was right. Love really was beautiful. But if you can feel love, then you can feel pain too.

And Jungkook knew this pain all too well. The same pain he felt when his mother lost her fight with leukaemia. The same pain he felt when he held his father in his arms as his eyes closed for the final time.
(Remember this for later it's important. Kook's mom died of leukaemia. It's not gonna make sense  right now why I'm stressing this but it'll avoid confusion later on :)

He had sworn to himself that he would never love anyone again. But fucking Taehyung just had to come in with his dumb box smile and his angelic eyes.

Jungkook groaned in frustration as he sat down on the floor, leaning against the wall.


"NO! Dad please. Please make them stop . Don't do this. P-" Taehyung was cut off as a blood-curling scream echoed from behind the locked door.

Tears stung his eyes as he desperately cried,trying to elicit some kind of reaction from his father.

"JIMIN?! Jimin...Dad please tell them to stop."

"Enough" The Mafia head's voice was full of authority.

A man dressed in black stepped out from the room, locking it behind him.

"Taehyung. Stop acting like a child. Jimin broke my trust and he will suffer for it. I gave him a choice and he chose wrong. There is nothing you can do so stop wasting my time and yours." Daehyun said coldly before he left.

The silverette stumbled to the door and sat down leaning against

"T-Taehyung" His best friend's voice was hoarse as he answered him.

"I will get you out of here. I promise."

Flashback (A week before)

Jimin and Taehyung laughed obnoxiously as they defeated Yugyeom and Hoseok-for the third time in a row-in the game they were playing.

"You guys cheated." Hoseok pouted.

"All is fair in love and war. And this is obviously war." Taehyung stated proudly.

"Hush you, alien" Yugyeom said.

Taehyung gasped loudly as he pretended to be hurt. "I'm offended."

Yugyeom rolled his eyes at the other's antics.
The door to Taehyung's room was opened and all except the silverette stood up as they bowed slightly to their leader.
"Jimin. Come with me. Taehyung, you too."

Taehyung nodded carelessly as he trailed behind his father. The pink-haired male frowned uncomfortably, but followed nonetheless after sharing a nervous glance with the other two.

Daehyun's room was empty except for them and a man in full black at one corner of the room. Jimin stiffened as he noticed that the man at the corner was one of the gang's trained assassins.

The mafia head took a seat behind the table in the room and signalled for the other two to sit. A shiver ran down the silverette's spine as he registered his father's hostile attitude.

"Jimin" Daehyun's voice was cold and determined. "I see no point in beating around the bush. I would like to know how and why you know Min Yoongi."

Jimin took a sharp breath as he felt Taehyung grip his hand nervously.

"Please do not attempt to deny what I have asked. This information has been verified and I have proof. You were being observed closely last week. Kindly spare me the excuses."

Daehyun's words were crystal clear. He knew. And he was waiting for Jimin to admit it.

"Yoongi is-"

Taehyung's grip tightened ever so lightly as he gently shook his head in foreboding.

"Taehyung. I am not unaware of the fact that you knew of this but did not inform me. Don't push your luck. Let him speak."

There was no other way. He had to talk. Jimin smiled reassuringly at his friend.

"Yoongi is my boyfriend."

Taehyung's father leaned forward slightly as he placed his arms on the table.

"You know that you have done wrong. You know I value trust above everything else. Your father would have been disappointed."

Jimin nodded softly.

"However, I'm willing to give you a second chance."

Jimin raised his eyes in confusion. Daehyun never gave anyone a second chance. Taehyung's face brightened as he looked thankfully at his father.

"You are one of my best hitmen. And my son's best friend and bodyguard. I will give you a second chance. My condition is simple"

Jimin stiffened. Of course there is a demand. There is always a demand.

"I want you to kill Min Yoongi. Do it and you earn back my trust. Think carefully before you answer."

The silverette's eyes stung with unshed tears. His best friend's life was in the balance. Taehyung's heart ached, knowing Jimin's answer before he even said it. _______________________________________________________________________
The ravenette frowned,annoyed, as he picked up the phone.

"J-Jungkook?" A soft voice called doubtfully from the other end of the line.


Sorry I was so late to update. I was really busy with school work the past week :(

Hope you liked this chapter.
Please comment on any mistakes!

Random question: If you had a choice what would you name Taehyung's alter instead of V?

Hope you had a beautiful day :)


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