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The silverette's eyes fluttered open as sighed happily. He hadn't slept so soundly in a long time. A gentle smile of satisfaction adorned his features before he began to get off the bed. That was when he registered an arm wrapped tightly around his waist. The memories of the night before flooded his mind and now he knew. He knew who it was. He also knew he shouldn't turn back to get a small peak of a sleeping Jungkook. But he did anyway. Why? Cuz the heart wants what it wants okay?

However instead of a peacefully sleeping Jungkook, he was met with those beautiful pair of onyx eyes that always held him captive. Neither of them bothered to turn away.

Jungkook leaned in slowly, his eyes never leaving the other's. And Taehyung's breath shallowed as Jungkook moved closer and their lips met. And nothing mattered anymore. It didn't matter that he was kissing his father's greatest rival (again😏). It didn't matter that the person who was holding him so gently as their lips moved together in a slow rhythm was planning to kill his father to avenge his own. Somehow- as he slowly melted in that delicate kiss- no one and nothing mattered other than the both of them. And maybe that was okay. He would gladly covet this moment of bliss. A storm awaited them, but right now, in those gentle and loving arms that held him like the most precious gem in the world, he felt safe.

Jungkook slowly pulled away, placing his palm against Taehyung's cheek, his thumb slowly brushing over the milky skin.

"Good morning baby." The ravenette whispered softly.

Perhaps because it was the first time he had heard that name being called in such an endearing way or maybe it was just the fact that Jungkook's words held so much love, Taehyung blushed like a teenage girl does in front of her crush and turned away.


The silverette opened the fridge to get something to eat for breakfast. He scowled at the almost empty contents of the refrigerator. 

"Your fucking fridge is useless. Atleast buy some food once in a while

Two arms slid around his waist and pulled him closer. Taehyung's back softly collided with Jungkook's chest as the ravenette rested his chin on Taehyung's shoulder.

"We don't usually keep food in the fridge. Jin likes to give us fresh food. Back to being rude as hell I see."

"What? It takes time to get used to being...well not wanting to stab you" Taehyung said adamantly as he continued to search for something eatable in the fridge.

"Whatever you say love"

"OK WHAT IN THE-" Jimin voice rang loudly through the kitchen.

Yoongi stood dumbstruck at the doorway while Jimin moved closer to the two younger people in the room.
"Ok when did you guys become this lovey-dovey, domestic- whatever this is?"

"Umm today?" Taehyung said uncertainly, his friend's attitude kinda scaring him to be honest.

"Ok. Taehyung. My room. Now." Jimin said sternly to his best friend.

Taehyung tried to move away from Jungkook so as to follow the pink-haired male but Jungkook's grip only tightened slightly and he made a small sound of disapproval.


"No. You're not going."

"And what makes you think you get to decide that?" Jimin glares at the ravenette.

"Well first off, I don't give a fuck about what you want." Jungkook stated rudely.

"Jungkook. Be polite." Jin scolded as he entered the room with Namjoon.

Taehyung and Jimin assumed Jungkook would snap at Jin but nothing of the sort happened as he continued what he was saying.

"Besides, he's comfy." Jungkook said innocently. But he didn't fail to direct a sly smirk in Jimin's direction.

"You little-" Jimin began.

"Don't curse so much baby." Yoongi warned as he moved closer and wrapped his arms around the younger.


"You can talk to Taehyung after we all have breakfast. Right Jungkook?"

Jungkook scoffed as he grumbled a small "whatever"

All six of them sat down at the dining table as Jin cooked breakfast for them.

"Taehyung and Jimin. Prepare to be blown out of this world by my cooking skills." Jin said confidently as he placed six plates of pancakes in front of them and sat down.

Taehyung took one bite of the pancake and he was sold.
"Jin. Be my boyfriend. "
Evidently Taehyung and Jimin were soulmates or they both wouldn't have said this at the same time. And Jin wouldn't have thrown his imaginary long hair back and smiled. And they wouldn't have been able to hear Yoongi, Namjoon and Jungkook muttering "no way".

"What? We could be way better boyfriends for Jin hyung than you Namjoon hyung" Jimin challenged and Taehyung nodded in agreement.

"Jin has necessities that you're too young to fulfill children." Namjoon said, smirking.

And the room was filled with loud laughter as Jin's face turned bright red.

Hope you guys liked this chapter.

It's more fluff than details lol. I'm sorry but I kept you guys waiting for so long and I thought I should update today.

I wrote it in kind of a hurry so please comment on any mistakes.

Have a beautiful weekend!


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