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Flashback to the attack

Taehyung's father was never afraid of anyone. That is,until he saw the twenty three year-old mafia head shoot down thirty of his men without breaking a sweat. For the first time in all his years as a mafia head, he had a real rival. One that could overthrow him.

His eyes widened in horror as they fell on his son's room which was now empty.


Warning:Please don't read the rest if you don't like some angst and kinda sadistic kookie. Simply skip to the next chapter. I'll provide a quick recap of the important details in the next chapter so don't worry.
I warned you already so don't read and report for the sake of it.

Current Time

Taehyung was dreading Jungkook's return ever since the clock struck four.
I'll be back in the evening.
The words resonated in Taehyung's mind every second. He didn't want to see the fucker again especially because
1) there was a high chance he would be tortured since he was Jungkook's rival's son.
2) he had tried to escape twice but had been stopped by the guard outside the room.
3) five of the ravennete's guards were now brutally injured thanks to Taehyung.

Fortunately Jungkook returned very late at night and was surprised to see Taehyung was wide awake and sitting on his bed.

"I see that you managed to cause a lot of chaos while I was gone."
Jungkook said in a low voice.

Taehyung did not answer and kept his eyes on the floor.

"LOOK AT ME WHEN I SPEAK" Jungkook shouted harshly.

Taehyung refused to look up but moved back as he felt Jungkook approaching him, his aura intimidating.

"Fine, we're doing it the hard way then. I was going to let you be till tomorrow but you deserve this." Jungkook said as he removed his belt. (I know what you're thinking. Not gonna happen. Stop being so dirty minded. Jeez!)

Taehyung crawled back on the bed until his back hit the headboard. Jungkook moved closer and harshly grabbed the brunette's collar, dragging him off the bed before slamming him against the wall.

"Count."he ordered as the belt landed on Taehyung's leg.

Taehyung did not respond and looked up at Jungkook, glaring at him. He bit his lip to stop the scream that threatened to leave his lips.
He was strong,he wouldn't give up that easily.
"Fuck you Jeon."he said.

"Let's see how long you'll survive." Jungkook smirked. His mind was set. He wouldn't stop until the brunette before him broke and begged for forgiveness.

The belt was brought down the tenth time. Taehyung's eyes closed as he winced in pain and he promised himself that he would take revenge for this.

"Okay then let's see how long you'll hold back your screams." Jungkook said as he let go of Taehyung and went out of the room.

Taehyung knew it wasn't over and he was right. Jungkook returned, this time with a steel rimmed belt.

"You brought this upon yourself."
The new belt found it's way to the exposed skin of his right leg.

Taehyung let out a pitifull scream as his eyes filled with tears due to the stinging pain.


Taehyung still refused to answer.

The belt landed on his leg again, this time with more force.

This was too much. Too much pain. He had to make it stop.
Taehyung tried his best not to scream before he answered with a trembling voice,"Y-Yes."

"Good. Now count."


Time Skip (mostly cuz I can)

The belt landed on his legs for the 25th time and Taehyung finally lost his balance. His legs collapsed underneath him.

"Stand up." Jungkook ordered."I SAID STAND UP."

Taehyung stood up with shaking legs and he finally let go of his pride. He had promised himself he would never beg in front of Jungkook again, but he was too broken to care.

The belt landed on his leg again, this time making a cut which started to bleed.

"J-Jung-kook p-please no more."

Another whip.

"I'm s-sorry plea-se."

Another whip.

"P-Please I'm b-begging you. I c-can't."

Taehyung whimpered painfully.


"Fine. I guess you learned your lesson." Jungkook said. He had no idea why his chest constricted seeing the younger
(yeah Taehyung is younger than Jungkook in this story, if you don't like it, well, deal with it.) breaking down before him. He was a Mafia. He had killed many people and tortured even more. Why did he suddenly feel guilty now?

He pushed back his thoughts and looked down at the boy crying in front of him. He felt tempted to comfort him but decided against it. He should be harsh. He has always been. That's how it is and will be, he thought.

"You're sleeping on the floor today as part of your punishment. Understood? "

Taehyung didn't hesitate a second before answering, not wanting more beating.

"Yes Jungkook."

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