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I take the lift from the underground parking area. Just when the door is about to close , John stops it and gets in with me.I notice that it is just John and the security detail intern.  "Sir, why did you leave us behind ? Today, we have to be extra careful when it comes to your safety.A lot of people are aware that you will be attending this conference,lets not give them  a chance to try anything."

"I know that John!!!" I respond harshly . And I completely regret it after a few seconds.

" I'm sorry, I know you are doing your job. By the way where is Joe?"

"He went to check up on the security team to ensure that everything is going well."

"That is good, this is one of my biggest hotels and I cannot afford any scandals." The lift opens and we both go out. I go to the bar area outside the main conference room. This is the biggest conference room in the hotel. The other guests have already arrived and they are all chatting and mingling whilst having drinks. John is close to me and I am comfortable with having him around, he accompanies me almost everywhere I go.  I do not like to have a lot of security detail with me, I like my privacy.  Even though, Joe has protested a couple of times. But I agreed to take self defense classes and karate lessons with him. Since then , he stopped pestering me. 

John and the intern go to stand in the corner with other guys, I presumed he might know some of them since they are also bodyguards of the elite guests. I know he will be watching my every move tonight.

" Hi Nick, can you please just give me a  glass of water?" I decided that I will sit at the bar for a few minutes to avoid mingling with the other guests, I am really not in the mood to listen to  business pitches this early in the evening. The event will be starting at 6pm, the time now is  around 5:30pm and I can already see that some guests have already taken their sits in the conference venue. I will go in shortly as well.

" Coming right up Sir, no date tonight?" I assume he is also referring to my many girls. I really have a bad reputation when it comes to women. Even my security team refers to  them as candies as I am seen with a different girl now and then. I seriously need to change this, even my parents have been on my case about settling down. And I just usually tell them that I am enjoying my bachelor days and I will only settle down after I turn 30. But to be quite honest I have not found the right woman as yet and I seem to be attracting  the wrong crowd of women.

I just respond to Nick by just shaking my head and he goes to get my water. I take a quick glance around me as I do, suddenly I stop breathing. On the far side of the bar, there is a very hot girl drinking a cocktail. She is wearing a white pencil skirt and boy, does it hug her on the right places. I swallow hard as my throat feels dry at the moment. I think she is sitting alone but I am not sure. I noticed that Nick placed my water in front of me and I didn't even notice as I am mesmerised by this woman.

Is she single? She looks young but why is she here alone? Maybe she is married? That thought seems to upset me for some strange reason. I can't see her hands properly from where I am, so that I can check if she is wearing a ring.  Or maybe she is one of those girls that attend these functions to try and find rich men. But she is not dressed in a skimpy outfit like those women. You can see those girls the moment you lay your eyes on them and they are usually very forward and would have approached any men sitting alone by now. I am curios about this woman ,without wasting anytime I finish my glass of water and I go over to speak to her.

The closer I get to her the  more nervous I get, I am even sweating for crying out loud.

It does not help that she gets more beautiful the closer I get to her. She looks well mannered ,elegant and composed. I am speechless, I don't even know what I will say to her. My palms are sweating right now and my throat is even more dry regardless of finishing that whole glass of water.

I finally reach her and she looks up at me. I just get lost in her hazel eyes and I blurt out the most stupid words ever. " Your place or mine?"


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